Friday, January 29, 2010

Today I had to go to see Mrs Giles! There were ten of us in all and Mrs Giles asked us about the school - how safe we thought it was and stuff like that - it was a relief because I was thought I was in trouble. I missed maths and didn't have to write down my homework which was a bonus too.

Today I was properly playing in the playground - scarecrow tig; it was mad! I was running around all over the play ground trying to dodge a person - it was so much fun.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two day's blog in one today (I forgot my blog yesterday). Yesterday I got 3 team points - 2 for maths (we had to work out two numbers that when added come to 17 and when multiplied come to 60 - I got the answer first), and 1 team point for literacy because my writing was so good.

Today I got another team point for tidying up. We had a non-uniform day today; I was so stylish! We had to bring a donation for the Haiti earthquake - we raised £34.73 in our class, and £490.80 in the whole school.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Today I did maths and I got all my answers right so I got 2 team points. So I had to put 8 team points on the board today - that must be a record! We had literacy too; we had to write about the settings in myths; I drew a castle and wrote about a dragon that lived in the abandoned castle.

We did ICT today. We had to find out about the Romans. Miss gave out some questions and we had to find the answers on the Internet. This term our theme in ICT is the Internet and Google. Us year 3's have just got our Internet passwords and I've remembered mine already!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Today some road safety people came into school - it was boring; I thought they would at least talk about there not being any seat belts in buses, so I had to mention it for them! I got three team points today; one for maths, one for literacy and one for big writing (that isn't where we write big writing - it's called big writing because it is the most important book of our lives!)

In maths today I did adding and taking away with the usual technique and with number lines - I got up to number 12; we were only supposed to do up to question 8.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today was our class assembly! I went to school five minutes early so that I could get changed, and I did my dance in front of the whole school.Mrs McDowel told me afterwards that all of the teachers were talking about my dance in the staff room!

Today we did history - we did a time line of history and then had to draw our own timeline since we were born; I put on things like when I started ballet, my first Christmas and things like that. We had a maths test as well today - I was a super star and got 2 team points because I got 16 out of 20; the best in the class by far! (The next best was 12)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tomorrow is our class assembly in front of the whole school! The assembly is about differences, and I'm doing a ballet dance because I'm the only one in my class that does ballet and that makes me different. I' bringing in my ballet things and mommy is going to do a ballet hair style for me. Today, one of the year 4 boys had a huge ear ring and miss told him to take it off and he asked whether he should take his necklace off too! He brought a necklace into school!

We did maths (subtraction with one number above the other), and we did literacy - we read the second half of Cung-Li and the Dragon and then we had to answer some questions about the story.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today was a normal day - no missing lessons or anything. Back to normal because all of the snow has gone (well not all of it - there are still tiny bits left). Today we did maths; we had to multiple by 10 and 100. We did another mythical story today, but I can't remember what it was called.

I found out today that in Thursday's class assembly I have to do a ballet dance - I've picked the music (it's Tchaikovsky - track 5 on the album).

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today we did maths. We did some adding and taking away. We also had to get some of the teachers things and guess which teacher it belonged to - we had a purse, some food and a pot and some other things. We only guessed 4 out of the 7. We had one funny one through - there was a tube with 'Scarlet Red' written on it and my table thought it had something to do with scars and we decided that it must belong to Mr Collier because he goes to the gym and he might get a scar if he has an accident - but it turned out to be a tube of paint!
Today we had to go to the hall again - we watched a film - Alvin and the Chipmonks. It was very cold and icy this morning. When I was sitting in the car before going to school I put my window down and the ice stayed there - I had to push it out. Anyway, back to school - all we did was play and the school shut at 12:00 because of the dangourous ice.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It is still a bit snowy, so we had to go to the hall again at the start of the day. We watched a film of a Beatrix Potter story. We did some reading (I finished my reading book the third one in three days!) We had numeracy too.

We are going to do a class assembly next Thursday which should be good - it's going to be about celebrating differences.

Monday, January 11, 2010

There is still snow on the ground! We learned about myths and legends on a website. We did about the Minotaur and we had to write a description about it.

We had numeracy today, but all we did was rounding up to the nearest 10 or rounding up to the nearest 100 - it was easy.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Today I was back at school after two days off because of the snow! Dad and I walked to school and I arrived a bit late. We had to go to the school hall where they were watching Ice Age 2. My socks and tights got really wet while I was walking to school so I had to change into my PE socks.

We only had two lessons today - the rest of the time we were colouring. We did a wintery picture.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

It snowed today so there was no school! I went to daddy's work, but we went home early. There might not be any school tomorrow either.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Today was my first day back at school after the holidays. And I moved to a different class in literacy - I'm now on the top table with all the cleverest people in the class; they are all year 4's except for me and Summer. Summer and I are on the same table for all subjects except for numeracy.

Tomorrow we might be getting our computer passwords so that we can use the Internet at school.