Monday, July 22, 2013

Hi everyone! Today and tomorrow are my last two days at primary school and I will try and write everyday when I'm in high school. Anyway, today we had to do our leavers plays which are performances that year 6's do in-front of the whole school. Ours was a restaurant with some posh people at one table and some really poor people at the other and to be honest, it was awful. The best part of it was when we were finished. That took up the whole morning since we had to practice and then actually do them and then after lunch all we did was watch Madagascar and that was all that happened. I'll write again tomorrow, see ya.    

Friday, July 12, 2013

I haven't written my blog for ages!

Today there weren't many people at school because they were all at a rounders tournament- we didn't do much, but when everyone was back in the afternoon we had an assembly. They talked about all the sports things going on and then they announced the sports star of the year for the best boy and best girl and I was chosen for the girls (because I'm awesome). I've had a busy few weeks - I got level 6 in my Maths SATS (and level 5 in everything else), and I got 5 tries in a rugby tournament last week (more tries than anyone else).

I will try and start writing my blog again now!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Africa Day

Today in school we had an Africa day to raise money for a charity in Uganda. First we had to make these paper bracelets that were literally gust rolled up peaces of paper made into a bead shape.They actually looked really good in the end so I was pleased with it when I was finished. Then we had to make some African tiles with a silhouette of some animals. I did two elephants on mine, one baby one and one big one and it was really cool. Then we had to make a vegetable curry and it tasted really good