Friday, July 23, 2010

Today was the very last day of this term and this year. After the summer holidays I'll be in year 4. On my first day of next term I'm going to include a picture of myself so you can see me in reception and when I'm in year 4.

Today was toy day which was quite exciting, and it was Molly's party which was even more exciting! This morning I forgot my lunch box and dad had to bring it in to school - then we had an assembly and we were told that Mr Collier and Miss Atkinson are going to get married during the holidays! So when we get back, we will have a Mrs Collier! Congratulations to the happy couple!

After assembly it was play time; me, Suzan, Molly and Summer decided to stay together because there was a film on after play time in every classroom and it was up to us which film we watched - we all watched Labyrinth which was scary, but there was something even scary that we did today which I'll talk about at the end of the blog.

After all of that we had another assembly to say goodbye to all the year 6's - some of them cried. Then it was home time, but I didn't go to Koosh tonight, or go home with mom or dad; I went to Molly's house - so did Suzan and Summer (Molly came obviously). It was Molly's birthday party.

We walked to Molly's house and Molly opened her presents and then we went to get changed - after that we did a dance routine which we've been learning over the past few days. And then Molly's dad came home so we had to do the dance routine all over again. After that we went to Xscape because Molly's party was there - we did an aerial assault course; it was very scary because it was so high up! The first bit they just pushed you off the edge! We were holding on for dear life! Then we had to wait for Summer because she is so scared of heights.

After the assault course, we had something to eat at Frankie and Benny's - I had a huge pizza with ham, mushroom and salami.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today is the last proper work day, so we got some chocolates in maths! We did our class assembly today too which went very well; it was called 'Ending for New Beginnings'. Tomorrow, me, Suzan and Summer and going to Molly's party - it's going to be brilliant!

We got our French books today - mine was very good; I learned lots of French this year; I learned about Paris too which I also put in my book.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Today we did fractions in maths - I was brilliant at them; I finished them all and got them all right! I played with Molly, Summer and Daniel today. It was the year 6's leaving assembly today - it was very funny.

We putting together a French book with all the French we have learned this year. We did some more on it today and we're going to take it home at the end of this week to show our moms and dads - we're going to learn more French next year. It's our class assembly tomorrow (but it's only in front of year 3 and year 4). I'll tell you how it goes tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today we did lots of stuff! We wrote letters to each other - I wrote my letters to Molly, it was really fun because we had to post them to each other. I posted both of my letters, but I made a mistake on one so I had to start again. We did ICT today, we played because we've lost all of our programmes except Dazzle which is like art on the computer.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Because Summer is on holiday at the moment, Jake and me are saying that all of her work is imaginary Summer. She's back tomorrow though.

This is may last week before the summer holidays, but we did proper work today (although we didn't have to write in our books in maths). In maths we did problems using the times tables to see which two numbers add up to a third number - they were quite fun because it was like a challenge.

I had a catastrophe whilst writing a letter - a marker pen went through one of the pages I had written so I had to write it all again!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Today mom and dad came to assembly because I was performing a routine with Molly. It was really good (well, that's what mom and dad said). Molly's mom wrote a note and left it in Molly's sandwich box about how good the performance was. We did a tipple over , then a stretch jump, then another tipple over and then a scrabble.

In maths we kept on the outfits we were wearing for the performance - pink tops and leggings. In maths we did taking away sums but in a very strange way.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tomorrow is a more exciting day than today, but I better tell you about today! Today in maths I did partitioning (not petitioning) and in creative curriculum we had to write about the things we have learned this year - and I wrote more than anyone; nearly one and a half topic pages - and those topic pages are really big.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today we did proper work instead of just colouring in and stuff. We did maths; in maths we had to do thousands, hundreds, tens and units and it would give us a big number which we do stuff to - it was a bit complicated, but easy (I got 24 out of 24).

I did a letter to Nanny in literacy (but I can't send it because its in my book) - and I showed miss my blog today and she was very proud of me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today was sports day - it was brilliant. I come first in the hurdles, first in the running and third in the relay (although we were in the lead after my leg). Dad came fifth in the dad's race. I'm in green team and we came third overall. There was a toddlers race too for the children's baby brothers and sisters - they were really cute.

We did ICT today - some programmes were missing from the computers so instead of our planned lesson we had to answer some boring questions.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I know this is Nadia's school days, but I saw something amazing this weekend - an upside down rainbow!

It's called a circumzenithal arc and it is quite rare. I told them all about it at school today I even found a picture of one on the internet for everyone to see.

As well as circumzenithal arcs, we had maths (word problems again) and science - we learned about food chains. Tomorrow is sports day so I'm going to have a long long blog.

Friday, July 09, 2010

I'm doing two blogs today because I forgot yesterday. So, yesterday in maths we did word problems (again) and I've forgotten what we did in literacy. Today was a special day because some people went to Armley sports centre to do performances - I didn't go, but Molly did (I'm going to Molly's party soon - I'm really looking forward to that).

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Today I did maths. In maths we did sums like 6 times 13. In literacy we wrote out some stuff describing ourselves.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Two blogs today because I didn't do one yesterday (I was too busy doing my homework). Yesterday - well, I've forgotten what I did yesterday, so back to today. Oh, I remember - I did a fact file about myself and in science we did keys (not the keys you put in the door, but the keys which show what the symbols in a diagram mean).

Today we found out our new teacher for next year - its going to be Mrs Brassel. First of all today, some people went to the computer suite to print the poems we did yesterday - oh, that's another thing we did yesterday! Mrs Hutchins went to print stuff, so it took us ages to print anything because we had to wait until all her printing was finished, and then, when we printed ours, I got eight copies and everyone else got six! And then loads of blank paper came out of the printer.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Today I got my report - it was brilliant because I didn't get any Fs!

In maths we had to choose what we wanted to do for sports day - I'm doing hurdles and relay.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Today I did a diagram showing the height of children in the autumn and in the summer and we had to show how much they had grown in height, shoe size and hand span. I also did a poem about me - every line started with the word 'I'.