Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parent's evening today! It was exactly the same as always - yes, you guessed it, I was the best little girl in the world! We did our post-topic assessment today; we had to write all we remembered about our weather topic; I wrote more than anyone else! I wrote about how to meet a witch too which was basically;
  1. Dress up as a witch
  2. Get a wand (it doesn't have to be magic)
  3. Get a spell book
  4. Get two black cats
  5. Then you should be ready to meet a witch!

I forgot to type up yesterday's blog, so here we go...

Today I went to cheer leading! It was superb. We learned a dance routine and we might be entering a cheer leading competition. We did maths today - I got a new target; I got the new target because I passed my test of the four times table. My new target is 3 division factors.

We had our team meeting today too; we did apple bobbing, a spider hunt and pin the eye on the monster.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today was the Halloween disco! I went dressed as a witch. Summer was a skeleton. We learner about the water cycle too today; first the water is in the seas, then it gets heated up by the sun and turns into water vapour (or gas). The water vapour makes clouds, and as the clouds get cooler, it starts to rain. The rain flows into rivers, and the rivers flow into the sea and it starts all over again!

The disco was brilliant! It started at 6pm, and at first I couldn't find Summer, but she was waiting for me. We had a bit of a dance (they played Thriller) and then Summer said 'should we go for a drink' and I said 'yes - why not'. So we went to buy a drink and I was feeling a bit generous, so I bought both of them. They were 40p each. Then we had a bit more of a dance, then Summer said she was feeling a bit peckish, so we got a packet of crisps each, but we bought our own this time. And just before it was time to go home, I bought a hot dog too (but Summer didn't fancy them). I lost my broomstick because a year 6 had the same broomstick as me, so I searched and searched and found it under the bench.

Monday, October 19, 2009

We did loads of work today! We did maths; we're doing measuring - first we were guessing the length of things and then we had to measure them. We had to do a very short assessment in science about what we have learned (it was just at the end of the lesson for those that had already finished their work).

Alix was my friend all day today! Amazing!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is my first blog of the week! I've been reading 'The Runaway Troll' with dad this week because it is due back at the library on Saturday and we still have 200 pages to read!

I made some fairy wings and they have been put up on the display board. I read two reading books in one day this week too! (I'm nearly on level 8).

I lost a football match too this week - it wasn't fair; they had all the good players on the other team and all the rubbish ones on my team (except for me and Summer).

Anyway I better get back to The Runaway Troll. Bye!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Yesterday, on the way to harvest festival, I had a problem - I brought a tin of corned beef for the harvest festival, and I was carrying it in my coat pocket, but when I tried to get it out, it got stuck! Four people tried to held me, Daniel even tried to help by pushing his bottom into me coat pocket! Eventually Miss managed to get it out!

Today I did maths and I did some butterfly wings (but not in maths). Alix, me, Maisey, Olivia, Charlie and Amy were all singing Telly Tubby songs, In the Night Garden songs and bits out of Grandpa in my Pocket!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Today I went to the church because it was the Harvest Festival. We sang a song and it went like this:
Cabbages and greens,
Broccoli and beans,
Cauliflower and roasted potatoes,
Taste so good to me...
...and so on
I knew the words, but no one else seemed to!
I finished my picture of a fairy too!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Today I did handwriting. Also I had to do maths. In maths I had some shapes in my work book 3 in each line I had to find the odd one out e.g.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Today I did ICT. In ICT I... ...well I didn't do it for very long all I did was print something. This week it is display week and our display was about Howard Johnson - he is an American artist - this is one of his pictures:

I did maths today too. In maths we went onto the computer suite, but our computer was a bit of a drama queen today! We had to type the names of things (it was very numeracy-ish), but when we typed on our computer, the bit we had to type in disappeared completely!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Today I did something for display week because it's display week this week. I did a list poem on the computer and it was quite good (but I don't think it will go up). I changed to a different set of reading books today, and they are much more enjoyable.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Today I got my maths homework back and I did my literacy spelling test - I got 9 out of 10. I finished my hurricane poster off, and my flooding poster went up on the wall today too (with Summer's of course).

Today we were going up for lunch and everyone was making so much noise and pushing that one of the year three's pushed another year three who has got a broken arm into the wall! So we all got told off and told that we weren't aloud to go outside the next playtime, but because I'm so good, I got to go out and play! Lucky me.

Another naughty thing that happened today - Ethan is leaving school on Monday, and there was a card for him; most people put 'good luck' and things like that, but Harry put 'still your mate even though you kicked my football over' and the drew a sad face too! How naughty!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Today there was a fire alarm in numeracy! We all had to go outside into the big playground. Now that I'm in year 3, we get to play in the big playground (although I played in the small one today).

I did a hurricane poster today. We also heard that Ethan is leaving on Monday - he's going to Cobden Primary school.