Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today has been absolutely fantastic! One of the girls in school today found out that there's this pressure point that only boys have (or so they say) and so all playtime the girls were chasing the boys round and trying to do it to them and in my opinion whoever found that out is genius.

Anyway, today we had big writing and that was the only down side of today. I didn't write much but it wasn't like I was being slow or anything, it was because I was trying to do really neat handwriting so after doing a page and a half of writing in my normal handwriting I'd only done about half a page.

I'm really happy about tomorrow because Mr Rowney said that instead of doing ballroom dancing in P.E we can do baking. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

Anyway I better stop writing about tomorrow just in case Mr Rowney changes his plans.
Write to you later,
Bye Bye     

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hello Nadia's school days readers! Today we had Mr Rowney back! After having Mr Chadwick teaching us for two days I'm kind of relived that everything is back to normal. In the playtimes today I was really bored so I decided to play football because some of my friends were playing and guess what.... I actually really enjoyed it. Some of the boys didn't want us girls playing though but we just took no notice of them.

We sort of had to re-do our work from yesterday because Mr Chadwick got all mixed up and we did stuff that we weren't meant to do so that was a bit annoying but that meant we didn't have to do big writing so I forgive Mr Chadwick

Anyway, got to go

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yesterday I got the team captain position!!!!! :-) I was so excited I forgot to blog! I got a badge which says 'captain' on it and I jumped up and down when my name was read out in assembly.

Today we had Mr Chadwick :-( . Mr Rowney again tomorrow though! He told us all about the school he went (which appears to have been full of nutters).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in maths we did a mental maths test and I got 19 out of 20. In literacy I was happy because everyone had to do their writing assessment but I did mine yesterday ( oh I didn't blog yesterday did I - yesterday I had a writing assessment).

Monday, September 17, 2012

This week is really important because we are doing team captains and I'm going up for Reds this year.

In mathematics we were doing multiplication and stuff, and in literacy we did comprehension.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Maths - 20 out of 20
Big writing - didn't enjoy (because Mr Rowney puts on music that I like and I find it difficult to concentrate)
Lunch time - I got about 20 hugs from the year 1children
Tag rugby - fun
ICT - found loads of pictures of our year 2 spirit alive

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hello - today in maths we had Miss Evens and we did rounding (or was that yesterday) - my brain is confused - we had Mrs Morrish today. Actually I have no idea! But I think we did calculator stuff today with Mrs Morrish and it was really hard.

We had Miss Geldard for the rest of the day because for some reason Mr Rowney doesn't teach on Wednesdays. I did some work today to plan what to do in tomorrow's big writing and we had to write an autobiography as if we were 50 years old and I said that I wanted to be a professional athlete and then when I was too old to be an athlete I would have my own range of perfumes. I also predicted I would be the youngest 400m gold medallist when I compete at Rio aged 14!

Monday, September 10, 2012

I didn't do my blog on Friday, so here goes - well, I can't actually remember much about Friday, but we did a bit about World War I and in big writing we copied out our 'all about me' thing and I finished mine.

Today in maths I got 18 out of 20 in the test and someone got 5 team points because they improved their score by 5 marks (as I got 20 out of 20 in my last test there was no way that I was going to get any team points which isn't really fare).

Most people hadn't finished their 'all about me' thing, but because I finished mine on Friday I got to do some work on the display.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Today we had a maths test - I got 20 out of 20. We had a spelling test too - I got 100 out of 100! We had PE today too; we played rugby which was really fun.

I walked home again today.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Today was the second day back at school! Today we had our first maths lesson and our first maths homework - in maths we were looking at how to get negative numbers to be positive. We did big writing today too and we had to write about ourselves to put on the wall.

We did music today - we had to learn this song from World War II - it started 'Hay, Mr Miller', but I don't remember the rest of it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

First day back at school! Yippee!

Today was so cool - I got to sit on the bench in assembly which is so much better than sitting on the dirty floor! My new teacher is Mr Rowney and he is like really nice. I've got Mrs Morrish for maths - I'm happy with that.

We got our new planners and wrote our stuff in it this morning and this afternoon we did some topic (history of Britain since 1930 - WWII is going to be a big part of it) and science (healthy lifestyle).

After school I walked home for the first time ever! It was a nice day so I walked instead of catching the bus and I saw some of my friends who were in year 6 last year and talked to them about high school.