Thursday, September 29, 2011

Today it was the harvest festival - we went to the church but it was a bit weird because I couldn't see the board where the words to the songs were written. We did rounders in PE and I went to netball club after school - I'm the scorer.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I didn't blog yesterday, so here's two blogs in one....

Yesterday we had singing - it was really good; there are about 20 of us and we practised one song. Today in maths we did a mental maths test (I got 16/20 and a team point). I got my target in literacy today too.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Today I found out that I have been chosen for the singing! There are only about 8 of us from year 5 that were chosen so I'm really pleased! And we did ICT because we've started out new literacy topic (we finished journalistic writing) - we are now doing formal and informal writing and we had to make a poster on the computer.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Today I took my dress in and showed it in assembly. We had literacy today (but we missed maths becasue Mr Bradley's class was going to the CLC trip. We didn't do any literacy in literacy though - we just marked some people's work. I got a level 5 for my punctuation.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today we did singing practice - it was like an audition; it was fun though. In maths we did round up answers and in topic we did about the weather and what the weather was like in different countries. I said I would prefer the weather in Singapore.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In maths today we did a mental maths test - there were some really really hard questions - I mean really hard! There was one question that the teacher couldn't even do (for a bit). In literacy we did big writing - writing up our news paper report about the Space Shuttle Discovery being launched in 2006 - we had to watch a clip of the launch before we wrote it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today we did double topic - first we had to do a paragraph about why the sun rises in our own words and then we had to draw a diagram of it. Then we had to do a line graph on the sun rising and setting in Sydney and in London.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today I did an assessment - we do one every three weeks apparently. I'm on level 4b which is really good. In maths we did grid multiplication and it was really because the teacher made a grid on the carpet with masking tape. Me, Suzan and Maisie finished first so we had to clear it all up with was fun.

We listened to this story today - it was about a French alien - it was really funny. We did symbols about every day stuff like the 'don't iron' symbol and the poison symbol.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Today we painted our model rocket - blue with red fins and black dots; it looks really good now. We had to type up our nursery rhyme newspaper article too - they are going up on the wall.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today we went to the IMAX museum in Bradford - it was great! We saw a film about the Hubble space telescope and the Space Shuttle, and looked around the museum. We got to watch Mr Benn and The Wombles. We looked at the the rooms and one room had a blue screen and it was really good because it looked as though there were dinosaurs behind me!

We went into this other room and it had loads of mirrors and thermal imaging devices and it had a shadow catcher.
Today we created a piece of music based on the Planet Suite by Holst we did mars and had to make it a bit war-ie so we did loads of drums and that

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Today we did DT (design technology) and we had to design a space vehicle. Summers just looked like an alien with massive cute eyes - mine was more like a space shuttle.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Today we did our first PHSCE lesson of the year. Our topic is symbolic religion - we had to draw the symbols of the top religions.In literacy we did direct speech and recorded speech and we had some sentences and we had to identify whether they were recoded speech or direct speech and write them again using the opposite.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Today the dress I designed came in the post, so I took it into school to show in assembly, but Mrs Geldard told me that someone is coming to the school on Monday to present me with a certificate! We had ICT today - we had to play some games on e-safety and design a poster on the computer. We had PE as well today - we played dodge-ball.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Today we had PE and it was really fun because we had to practice using a hockey stick and pass the ball to each other really quickly. Then we did topic (more about space) - we had draw a diagram of the earth orbiting the sun and the moon orbiting the earth and we had to do a demonstration with someone pretending to be the sun, someone the earth and someone the moon - it was very confusing.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Today I cam third in my fashion competition. I know that isn't school, but still... I have still won £100 though!

At school we had proper lessons today (not like yesterday's), we did numeracy in a different class - I'm on the top table for year 5s. Then we had literacy - our new topic is journalistic writing; we had to wrote the first paragraph in a newspaper story. And in topic we had to find out the length of the year on each of the planets in the solar system.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Today was the first day back at school! And my first day in year 5!
(see me on my first day at school here)

It was really exciting today because I've got a new teacher and I wasn't sure what to make of her, but she is really nice! Until playtime today Miss talked to us about the new things now we are in year 5 like our diary yearbooks and we had to write things in it that Miss put on the board. She told us about the boxes on our tables. I'm sitting next to a boy called Sam - he is in year 6 now and he is quite nice (but I would prefer to sit next to Jake or Summer).

After break we had to interview the person next to us and write about them (I was with Sam) and finished mine but I have to write it up. Then it was lunch time (I sat next to Summer and Stevie). But I was called in to see Mrs Giles this afternoon - Mr Bradley called my out of my class and said that Mrs Giles wanted to see me and asked me if I had been naughty. Mrs Giles just wanted to see me about a competition I had entered - Yorkshire Young Fashion Designer 2011 - I've won my age category and the overall winner will be chosen tomorrow.

Our new topic in this class is space and next Thursday we are going to the IMAX to see a film about space, but today we had to do a diagram of the solar system with the colours of the planets and their size and distance from the sun.