Friday, October 26, 2012

Today was the last day of term. I was really excited! Because we had a rugby tournament today and its the first tournament of the year and we won!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today we went to Eden Camp - it was scary. There were loads of manikins everywhere - the place is all about the two World Wars and it was all a bit horrible.

We had to fill in a fact sheet - the bliz room was the worse - some of the children had to hold the teachers hand.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We got our scripts today - I've got the very first line in the play! :) We found our right at the end of the day which was a shame, but if we got the scripts earlier we would have been reading it instead of doing our school work.

Big writing was bad.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This morning we had maths and we had to do something about bar charts - drawing them and doing stuff. It was so easy me and Suzan finished in about 5 minutes. Miss said we had to do some extension work and we finished that too and we didn't know what to do.

At play time it wasn't our turn at football and we're not allowed to even kick a ball if it's not your turn for football - if you do you have to stand by the fence with Dalton's Grandma for two minutes! And in that two minutes they forget you so you have to wait there about 20 minutes!

And I've been chosen to be on the school tag rugby team and we have a tournament on Friday. EPIC!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today maths was really weird because we had this mental maths test that was really hard and then Mrs Morrish said that it was one of the easiest paper that we'll do this year. Then we had to do stuff on measuring and that was really easy so it only took 5 minutes.  

In literacy we had to do some of those stories where you chose what happens next and mine was really good. At lunchtime I was playing football but I accidentally tripped someone over when I was tackling them and then one of his friends came up to me and started doing a speech about how girls are rubbish at everything and that we should get off the pitch but I thought it was really sexiest so I just said something really sarcastic when one of the boys on his team were running with the ball and tripped over it.      

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today was the harvest festival and I completely forgot, but luckily I had some money in my bag so I donated that. All the sensible people (or the ones they wanted to keep an eye on) sat at the front - and that included me but I wasn't sure how I was going to read the words for the songs because we were sitting behind the projector, but they had printed some song sheets for us. I told Mrs Giles that I passed the eleven plus test and she was thrilled. On the way back from the church I've never seen so many reception children having calamities - about 15 of them fell over!

Mr Rowney's aurt came in to talk about the war - she wasn't evacuated. She was about 6 when the war started.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello, sorry that I haven't been blogging because there has been loads and loads and loads going on at the moment, but today wasn't the most exciting day to re-start my blog because we had maths and stuff and it wasn't very exciting. But we did the dancing with nursery today but it was a bit of a disaster, so we are going to be more prepared next time.

One bit of news from yesterday, I passed my 11 plus exam! That means I can apply for Heckmondwike Grammar School! I'm well happy!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Today in maths I was really angry because Joseph had this book and he could do all the prime numbers work we were doing just by looking in the book. In topic we used iPads to look up about evacuation on the internet.

I scored 7 goals in football today!

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Today I played football again because I'm really starting to enjoy it! I did big writing again as well but we didn't really do much - just copy the poem we wrote yesterday.

The we had to finish of the painting we started yesterday and Nicole was upset because they got rid of the paint colour she invented yesterday (called porky pig).

I did a drawing today - we had to choose something to draw out of a set of objects that Miss had put together - I did a vase of flowers and the teachers thought mine was really good!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Hello, this morning playtime was rubbish and so was lunch time because we weren't allowed to play football. I really wanted to but it was year 5's turn unfortunately.
I really enjoyed what we did after lunch because we were meant to draw logo's for the horrible histories books but Mr Rowney asked if anyone who was really good at drawing wanted to help with the display and I was chosen along with Nicole and two boys in our class. One of the teachers had drawn this picture of a street that had been attacked by the Germans and we had to paint it. Then she just left us to it and we did that the howl afternoon. At the moment it looks really cool!

Monday, October 01, 2012

Today I played football again - it was really fun; I've been playing it every single day lately. In maths we did multiplication by the column method (I still prefer the grid method).We had to type up our biographies on a famous person on the computer today too - I did Jessica Ennis.