Friday, November 30, 2012

Today was really good because we did all the boring stuff like maths and literacy - in maths we did coordinates and in literacy we did negative and positive arguments - it was easy!

After all that we had lunch and played football constantly and then we just did play practice for the rest of the day!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Today was a pretty weird day because:
1) We didn't do any writing today except for in maths (hurray)
2) Mr Rowney was calling year 6 girls out all afternoon to do with a fight my friends Stevie and Molly. It was really complicated so I'm not going to explain it. 
3) We did play practise all morning in front of all KS 2 and I found out that I had to dance to Gangnam Style and whilst we were practising in the hall all the reception's came in for their lunch and started dancing along.         

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today was a bit weird because everyone thought we were practising our play, but we're doing that tomorrow instead, so we did maths (angles - easy) and in literacy we had to write up mini arguments, but I couldn't concentrate at all because some people were talking.

We had art today as well but it was rubbish because we had to work in groups but no one in my group could actually do art, so I had to do it all.

Monday, November 26, 2012

I didn't blog at the end of last week - but I can't remember what happened! Today we did our first full run through of the play in front of the year fives, but they were so annoying because they were talking all the way through it!

I took my new football in today (I got it for my birthday which was yesterday) - we played with it every break time and even before school. I was in goal so that I could use my new gloves too. We also started drawing up our fashion designs (that's something I did at the end of last week!).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Today we did play practice - I remembered all my lines! So I'm pretty pleased with myself.

But the best thing today is that we went to an athletics competition and we won! In fact all the girls races and events were won by our school! I did triple jump (they had to adjust the starting pint because I was jumping over the landing area!), and I did the long distance race (I lapped everyone!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Today I found out that I've got to do a dance in the school play - it's a really cheesy song so I'm nervous about it because we have to dance in front of the whole of year 6 tomorrow!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Today wasn't the best day of the school year because someone hacked into the computer system so we had to all stay in at first play while the teachers worked out who did it and then Mr Rowney had to go out of the classroom all the time to tell people off about the hacking! So we missed half of literacy and so we were all talking about when we were in reception - it was fun actually.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today we planned tomorrow's team meeting - it's going to be good. We had gymnastics in PE - it was fun - we also did athletics training.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We had our first proper athletics training today - it was so fun as we got to miss French with Miss Geldard and Mr Rowney got the bounce boards out and everything! I was chosen for triple jump, long distance run (I think) and that's all I know so far.

We did a mental maths test today again - I got 20 out of 20 again.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today we did a test B in maths - it went well. Apparently I either went down or stayed the same on the test yesterday. We had a writing assessment today in English - we've already done exactly the same thing in topic! We did art today but I didn't enjoy it - we're doing a huge picture and everyone is doing a bit of it, but I don't like that because I like to have control of the whole thing! I had to to the top part of a person, but the one doing the bottom half of the person did it a bit rubbish so it looks crazy!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today in maths we had another test because all the teachers are getting serious about SATS - I think I did okay. We also had an English test after play and that went okay too.

This lunch time was the best because we had play practice (which only lasted about five minutes), and then the dinner hall was completely empty so we could sit anywhere, and then we had three quarters of an hour to play football - it was the best!

After lunch we started a new art topic, Lowry - I was really enjoying it, but I forgot we had to do the dancing with the nursery children so we had to go there. When we got back we did some more Lowery and we did a picture in his style.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Today in maths I got a level 5A in all three tests (I only got 3 wrong out of 68 questions) - still no team points though. In literacy all we did was go on the computers and write about stuff about the 1930s - it was a bit weird.

At lunch time we played football, but we had play practice first so we missed loads of lunch time and only had about 15 minutes to play. It was a bit rubbish because all of the boys were tackling each other because it was one of their birthdays.

After lunch Erin's grandma came in - she grew up in Germany during the war, but it was hard to understand her because she had a strong German accent. And we had a meeting about the team meetings which are going to be next Friday. We had to have a picture for the school paper too.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Today I met Darren Lockyer and he actually shook my hand - and I haven't washed it yet! It was at the opening of the Rugby League World Cap that our school's rugby team was invited to because we won the rugby tournament a couple of weeks ago. It was well cool!

We did another one of our dances for the nursery class today and it went really well. The teacher even said she liked the dance and said she was going to try it herself as exercise.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Hello. Today Mr Rowney was ill; again so we had to have Mrs Geldard, but we usually have her on a Wednesday anyway. We practised the Christmas play again - we did scenes 5,6 and 7.

We had a science lesson today about chemistry. We had to mix liquids together and separated them out again by heating them - it was good.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Today we had Mr Chadwick - I know how he is, so I try to keep quiet, but he is the most horrible supply teacher I've ever had.

The best thing that happened today was going to maths (because we have Mrs Morrish for that). Mind you, I got 39/40 in the maths test (again) and didn't get any team points - even though I got the highest in the class, and others got 14 team points when they only got 31/40!

So not the best day overall, but I have been chosen to visit the rugby ground for the start of the rugby world cup.

Monday, November 05, 2012

We practised our Christmas panto for the first time today. We had to do poems about bonfire night in literacy and Molly and I did the dancing for the nursery children - to tired to tell you more!