Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today we did no writing!!!We only did art my favourite subject.I did a Viking helmet,the rest of my brooch and a Viking serpent.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today we didn't do much because the other people were on the school trip so they got all the fun (and we didn't). We didn't do any maths, but we did write about yesterday's trip. There was a teacher from another school that came to our class today and he told us about thinking about things, and he asked us what colour is your birthday. I said blue because I was born in the winter and blue is a cold colour.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today we went on a school trip! Half of Miss Brazell's class and all of my class went; we went to York and the trip was to do with our history theme. We went on the coach - it didn't take long; I just looked out the window. We went into this big hall when we arrived - we had to dress up like Vikings; we wore a tunic, a belt with three knots in and the girls had to ware a scarf on their heads and the boys wore hats. We were grouped into families; I was a little girl and I was trouble!

The lady told us a couple of things and then we went outside; it was like a Viking village. All the houses were made out of mud and were thatched; ours was the biggest house. We had to clean up our house (although I didn't have to do that), and then we had to go into the big chief's house but he wasn't there, but he soon arrived. We ground some corn while we were at the chief's house and made flour. We mixed it with water to make the dough.

There was this big bell in the middle of the village; if you rang it slowly it meant that there was a meeting, but if you rang it fast it meant that there was danger! The bell rang, and we thought it was danger, but it was the big chief and he was angry with the guards!

Then it was our turn to be guards; we did it with the chief - he was a bit scary. Some of had to guard the gates and others had to be at the bell and others half way between. Next we had lunch and it was a three course meal (soup, pasty and apple, cheese and biscuit). Then we went back to the village and we did some weaving (that was the nicest bit - the lady was really nice). We made some pottery too.

At the end we were told a story about the flower that is used to make a blue thread. There was a man and his wife and they wanted a baby but they were quite poor. But one day the man went out and got lost because there was terrible snow. He preyed that he would be safe and get home, and then he saw a massive cave. He went into the cave and saw a massive pile of silver. He collected as much of the silver as he could and then turned around and saw some gold. So he through all the silver away and started collected up the gold. He turned around again and saw some jewels, so he through away the gold and collected up the jewels. Then he saw something shining in the distance - he moved towards it and he saw that it was a golden woman; she wasn't on the ground - she was hovering in the air! The man said 'I'm sorry, I'm really sorry' because he was stealing her things. She said 'it's okay, but you can only take one thing'. He looked at all the silver and the gold and the jewels, and he looked at her and she was carrying some flowers, so he said 'can I have the flowers' and she said yes, so he went home with the flowers.

When he arrived home, his wife was a bit cross because he could have collected the jewels, gold or silver and she threw the flowers out of the window. The next morning, she looked out of the window and there was a whole field of these flowers, so she went outside and picked one and she made it into thread and weaved it and they became wealthy selling the beautiful cloth, and the gods gave them a baby in the end for making the right choice.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I finished my quest myth book today - it is brilliant; even more brilliant than my big writing one! I did lots of things today because our whole table finished our work so quickly that we had to play a game (guess the shape). After that it still wasn't time to mark the work so we had to play on the computer.

We had history today - we had to write about Anglo Saxons and draw a picture of an Anglo Saxon warrior.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today I did maths and that sort of stuff. The End.

In maths we did shapey questiony things and at the end we had to draw strange looking quadrilaterals. I did a bit more of my quest myth book as well.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Today we did something or other! We did our pictures for the front cover of our Quest Myth book that we are putting on the wall. I drew a dragon and a person. We had ICT too; we did lots of things because we had to look on a website and answer some questions about the Anglo-Saxons (because we are learning about how invaders changed Britain). We are doing Romans, Anglo-Saxons and then Vikings.

We had maths today too - our table did something different to the rest of the class - we went on the computers and did fractions; there was a chart and every chart had a line and one of the charts didn't have any lines, the next was split into half, the next into quarters and so an. We had to experiment to see how many sixteenths there are in a half and that sort of thing. Then we had to make a chart of our own.

I got 2 team points today - that's 6 so far this week and it's only Tuesday!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Today I did maths; we had to see which flags were symmetrical - it was a bit hard because some of the flags had writing on them. I finished off my big writing today and it was easy (I got a team point). You have to copy it into my big writing book from my draft book and I had to copy it again because it might go on the wall.

I banged my head with Summer and I had to have ice on my head (which made it hurt even more). I cut my finger in Koosh too.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Today I finished off my quest myth - all I've got to do now is write it in my big writing book. We had maths today (6 times tables and 12 times tables).

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Today we did PE; we did chest passes and shoulder passes - my favourite are shoulder passes because.... they are just me favourite. We did hand writing because we do it every Wednesday when the year 4's go swimming; we were doing 'h' and 'e' joins. We did maths too - we were doing our 4 and 8 times tables; we were supposed to do 24, but I did every sum in the whole unit - 35 sums altogether; it was too easy.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Today I annoyed Molly by saying platypus over and over again! It was because we were doing history and we had to go to this website which had a slide show about the Roman Empire, and one bit was about a king and his name was a bit like platypus, and I couldn't say it so I said platypus instead (in fact his name wasn't like platypus at all, but I felt like saying platypus).

We had PE today; we did tennis to music!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Today, my hair came undone, so I had an afro! And Summer had a crazy hat again - it was fluffy and brown, white and black. We had maths today; in maths we did adding and taking away - I got two team points as usual. We learned some French too - I learned the french for 'what is your name' and the colours orange and blue.

We were talking about making up a myth; Ellie and me did the best in the whole class because none of the others had done a complete story - how the hero was chosen to go on the quest and the quest itself.