Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Yesterday I didn't do my blog again - and because it's late I can't remember what I did!

Today we had PE and we were practising for sports day - I did the running, throwing, long distance run, skipping race and football dribbling. I wanted to do the hurdles, but they don't do the hurdles.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I didn't blog on Friday - and I can't remember much of what I did, but I do remember a bit of my maths. We went outside and we did an experiment about how many times we could sprint back and forth within 10 seconds. Mr Collier told us what to do and I was the one chosen to demonstrate.

Today in maths we did a bar chart and a split line graph on the sprinting results - I did five sprints and Mr Collier did one! In literacy we had to carry on with our stories - we did out story plan and a little bit of work on out stories, but we did other work then before we did any more work on it so we had to carry on from the point where we were and finish the page and then go to a completely different page to continue our stories!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today in maths we had to do a tally chart and then a bar chart of the favourite topic this year - the most popular was Ancient Egypt (but I chose the Tudors). Then Mr Colliet said he had put two thermometers up in school for us to check the temperature. My job is to check then at 11am - one of them said 42 degrees and the other was 22 degrees.

We did loads of art today so there isn't much more to say.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today was Spirit Alive! It was really fun because I was part of the organising committee so I had to do a dance (I was a leader in the dance with Molly) and straight after the dancing I had to say my lines to start the sports.

The first thing we did was 10 pin bowling (our team got 67 points) and after that we did running - I got the fastest time in year 4. Then it was playtime and then we did high jump (only year 3 and year 6 did that) and then dancing; we got extra points because we spelt out 'Spain' in our dance (which is the team we were in).

After lunch we did football, hockey and netball and after that it was the award ceremony. The spirit alive organising committee got a voucher for JJB sports, and our team came third in the events and we got the best sportsmanship award.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I didn't do a blog on Friday, but I can't remember what I did, so we'll go straight onto today. This week is art week, so instead of reading, I painted - instead of literacy, I painted - instead of science, I painted and we did ICT where we had to design our own virtual bedroom on the computer.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today in maths it was really fun because we got to go outside with a trundle wheel and we got to measure the playground and the allotment - and I like saying 'trundle wheel'. In l had to write the setting of our story and Miss said mine was really good because I had tried to use an Old English type of language.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Two days worth of blogging today. Yesterday I did some stuff about triangles (measuring the angles) and today we measured isosceles triangles (the triangles only had one angle showing and we had to work out what the other two angles would be.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Well, today - you know I've been doing Spirit Alive - today we did the assembly to say which team we're in and what teacher we have. I'm in Spain team with Miss Hutchins (I think). I had to draw out all of the countries too and we had to draw out some numbers as well; I wasn't too such what was going on to be honest (because we hadn't rehearsed).

We had PE today after lunch and the cleaners hadn't cleaned up so it was horrible on the floor in the hall. They had cleaned up the big bits like sandwiches that had been thrown on the floor by people who don't like their sandwiches, but there were loads of little bits like mushy peas that were disgusting - I didn't want to be there!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Today instead of literacy we did PE - we were going to do it outside but then it started raining, so we were just about to get changed when the people who brought the equipment down (i.e. me) said there was no one in the hall so we did PE in the hall.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Today we had our first Spirit Alive meeting, and my job is to choose the counties that each class will represent!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Today in maths we had to try and work out what the missing angle was - it was really easy and I got up to question 14 in five minutes! In literacy we had to do a character description of the characters in the book we are reading. I didn't hear the start of the book because I was doing my register duty.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

I forgot to do my blog yesterday, so here goes. Yesterday in maths we learned how to use protractors to measure angles. In literacy we did something, but I can't remember what it was (we might have written a story about Tudors).

Today in maths we did some more work on protractors and this time we actually had to measure stuff - I got all of mine right. We did big writing today too - we had to write about our holiday, but miss told us we had to make up what we did - I said I fell down a hole and ended up in a magical jungle. We did science after that - we started out new topic which is forces (we've already done some work on forces, but Miss Brazel said we need to do some more work on forces).

In ICT we finished off our work on Henry's six wives and miss read out our names and told us what we had done wrong in our big writing and however well we did, she found a problem which made us all disappointed.