Monday, November 30, 2009

Mrs McDowell put our Christmas tree up today, but daddy won't let me put ours up for a few more weeks - Christmas will almost be over by then!

I got a new reading book today, and we had maths. In maths I had to learn my 6 times table (that's my target).

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I have now been 8 for two days! I'm starting to get used to it. Today I was starting my booklet about Salvador Dali - we learned about Jackson Pollock as well, and we made up a painting in the style of him.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am 8 years old (that's a big girl). Soon I'll be a teenager.

Today I went to school and everybody in the whole school sang happy birthday to me. Well, what you do is you go into the dinner hall and when you've finished you tell the teacher it's your birthday and she gets everyone to sing happy birthday to you.

At the end of the day I gave chocolates to the whole class!

We had handwriting class today (that's the easiest class of the day). And I cheated in maths - I don't know my 7 times tables so I had to! (at the back of our maths books all the times tables are printed so I looked there!) We had division facts as well- I had to work those out by teaching too!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today I did things. One of the things I did was sit on a chair (all day) because of my poorly leg. We had a times tables test in maths - I got them all right (it was only 2's, 3's 4's 5's and 10's).

Its my birthday tomorrow and I'm going to bring in some sweeties.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today I hurt my knee - that was the most exciting but devastating thing that happened to me today. It was lunch time break and I was running to the line with Summer when someone accidentally bumped into me and I tripped over and banged my knee - poor me!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Today it was my class assembly. I got all of my line right, but the 'E' was missed out of 'Environment' because we couldn't find it. We did our Salvador Dali pictures today - I drew a desert with an eye ball and John and Edward's (X Factor) heads in a flower and a darlek drowning in the sea (and short circuiting). It had a shoe with tea coming out of it too.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I went into school late today because my foot hurt! It started hurting when I got out of the bath, and went all red - I had to go to the doctors but by the time it was time to go, my foot was better, so I went to school anyway, but not until after first break.

We learned about Salvador Dali today; miss asked if we knew anything about Salavador Dali and I put my hand up and then said that one of his paintings is called "Gala looking at Dali in a state of anti-gravitation in his work of pop art yes,yes, pompier in which can be seen the two anguishing figures of Millet's Angelus in a state of atavistic hibernation against a sky which suddenly explodes into a giant Maltese cross just at the heart of Perpignan station toward which the universe starts to contract". Miss said "well he was quite strange".

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I forgot yesterday's blog, so here is a quick summary; practiced assembly, did some reading, did some art in ICT.

Anyway - on with today; we practiced our play some more, we did directions in maths; we had a grid and we had the numbers one to five across the top and letters along the side and we had to make a treasure map and write down directions and then give it to a partner to find the buried treasure!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today we practice our assembly - Miss has added even more words for me to say. We did some more French today too - we learned our new word of the week but I've forgotten what it is; I'll find out tomorrow.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We went to see Leeds Christmas lights being switched on tonight. And Daniel had a plan to get rid of Maisey - he was going to fill her tights with air and then she would float away!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today I read, and I got a level 8 book! Lucky me! I practiced my lines for our class assembly and the stage went up today. We had a 1 minutes silence at 11 o'clock which I'll tell you about later in the blog, but first here's a picture of a bunny rabbit...

Anyway, back to my blog. I changed to level 8 because yesterday my teacher said if I finish the book I'm on, and I can up a level, so I just finished it. I practiced my lines at break time this afternoon and I decided to add some words; miss said it was okay.

We had 1 minute silence at 11am on 11th day of the 11th month - we started when Miss was in the middle of saying something and she never got to finish, so we will never know what she was about to say - NEVER!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today we were given our parts for next week's class assembly! We're doing it on Wednesday of next week, and it's about saving the environment.

Today miss said that I'm going to move up to level 8 for my reading.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Today we learned about friction; friction is when two surfaces meet together. We had three slopes; one was carpet, one was cardboard and the other was vinyl and we tested which one had the most friction and which had the least by pushing a toy car down each one and seeing how far it went. Carpet had the most friction (I guessed that).

We learned about Pablo Picasso today too;
  1. When Picasso fell in love, his paintings were happy - this is called his Rose Period
  2. When his friend died, he using a lot of blue in his paintings - this is called his Blue Period
  3. He died in 1973 (when daddy was 4) - he was 93
  4. His father was an art teacher and he wanted his son to be a great artist
  5. He is most famous for his Cubism paintings

Friday, November 06, 2009

Today I did a collage of The Scream - I got very messy! Ours was the best! We had two templates; one of the head and one of the body, and we had to draw around the templates onto some felt and cut the felt out, and then we stuck them on the canvas. We put tissue paper, felt and wool on it and made them a bit wiggly.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Today, well, first playtime I had to go upstairs to reception and do some dancing (I had to practice my cheer leading dance). I was the first person to remember. We're getting quite good at the dance now.

Number 2 thing - lunch time play I had to set some time pastels and put newspaper on tables so I missed lunch time play and I was late up for lunch.

Number 3 thing - nothing, because we don't get afternoon play on Thursdays!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Yesterday I did a piece of work and today it went up on the big board because Miss photocopied it and put it on there; it was some notes about kangaroos and we had to make them into proper sentences.

I'm taking the register back to the office for the whole term now! From yesterday until the end of term; I go with Terri. In maths I did adding - I'm going to do a test tomorrow or Friday in maths.

Now I go to Cheer Leading - I've been doing it for a few weeks now and we are learning a dance routine.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Today we got our new theme for Creative Curriculum - it's all about an artist called Edvard Munch (he is the one that painted The Scream). We found out loads of information about him like;
  1. He is from Norway
  2. The Scream is his most famous painting
  3. He was 80 when he died
  4. His older sister died in 1877
  5. His father was a doctor
  6. They moved to Oslo when he was small and he later lived in Paris and Berlin
We learned about kangaroos as well.
Today was our first day back at school. We learned our key words in French because this term we are doing French! I learned to say Bonjour and Salut. We did a pre-topic assessment about Forces like push and pull, twist and turn and magnetism. We learned about Newton too and used a spring thing to measure the force of things in Newtons.

Alix was my friend today (at last). Fantastic!

We've started learning the songs for our Christmas play. There are two songs from beauty and the beast. We're not allowed to have any of the main roles until we're in year 6 - so we just have to sing for the next two years!