Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today was our fantastic school trip. We went to the University it was all about music - we did music from other countries and then had lunch (we got a £5 voucher and we could choose what we liked - I had pork ans chips, a whisper bar and a bottle of coke.

In the afternoon we could either make our own instruments or play some real instruments - it was good fun.

Monday, February 27, 2012

On Saturday I came 26th in the cross country, but first amongst the girls in our school so I was quite pleased. Today in maths we did pie charts and I don't like pie charts because they don't taste like pie. In literacy we had to write a biography on Anthony Horowitz.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Today in maths we did pictogram and I finished everything so I had to do some more. In literacy we had to write a biography of Anthony Horowitz. In PE we had to do country dancing - it was brilliant - NOT!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today a police officer came in - he told us about racism and then about gay people and then she kept saying gay boy! She said it was wrong to say it and then she said it loads of times!

In big writing we had to talk about a place we've never been before. We didn't have any maths today because the police office was going on about gay boys. After lunch we finished of the fairground things and in PE we did badminton which made me feel very posh. Tomorrow in PE we're going country dancing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dad forgot to put my sandwich in my pack lunch today! I had to wait until everyone had finished getting their school dinners before I could get something to eat! But, because I was late for lunch I got chosen to be a library monitor, so that can't be bad!

In maths we found out what our calculator test results were - I got 36 out of 40 (I think I was top again!)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello. Today we had Miss Evens with her stupid nonsenses about putting 'ing' in the end or words. And in maths we had a different teacher but it wasn't Miss Hethlethwaite - this teacher was all right but she did do this 'five things' which was a bit annoying. The five things were things like, stop, look, listen, stop moving your hands and legs and don't talk. We were discussing how Miss Hethlethwaite would have introduced the five things and though she would tell us what to do, then have a practice and then that we would have to do it 'really quickly children' as if we were in year 2, and then do the real thing and then say we did it too slow and then time us and then say that's too slow and then say 'that was better' and carry on doing it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today in maths guess who got the top score in the whole class for the SATS test - moi!

I got a new dinner job today too - the book shelves; you get to stay in for half the playtime! Okay this time of year, but not good during the summer. And I got picked for the cross country racing this weekend! I'm getting the letter about it tomorrow; it's going to be tiring - I was coughing for most of the afternoon after the trial!

And we started our new fairground topic - we had to design our own fairground. And we started a new French topic; the funfair!

Friday, February 10, 2012

In maths we had a quiz (we got 7.5 out of 10 - it was hard!) We watched a movie 'The Lightening Thief' and we tried a Greek salad with feta cheese - it was really nice.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Stupid big writing! We had to do a recount of last Friday - most of us couldn't remember the details of last Friday. In maths we made triangular prisms out of straws and pipe cleaners - mine looked like a tent.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Today we had Miss Hethlethwaite again for maths - she still treats us like three year olds! And she says 'shh' at the time - we counted 273 times! We did 3d shapes - it was quite hard but it was just an exercise from a book.

This afternoon we did all of our RE lessons (we haven't done a single RE lesson for ages) so we finished our RE topic in one day. And we did our travel log for our ancient Greece topic.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Today we did computer thingy for year 1s and 2s - the person I was with was going to draw some pictures and save them and open them back up and he managed to do it five times! Tomorrow I'm helping the receptions with their reading.

Today I was shocked that I didn't have to do corrections for my assessment - Summer had some though. And we had a maths test with calculators - I think I got about 38 out of 40; we'll find out tomorrow probably.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Today in maths we had a SATS test - I got 17 out of 20 which I was pleased with. We finished our French topic - about the cafe.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Today was Greek today - no work! We were in the school hall all day! We saw this man called John and he had loads of replicas of Greek artefacts - he brought in some swords and armer and a bow and arrow. He started going on about medical things on ancient Greece and seven people had to leave because they felt sick - he said it was a new record! I got to wear a helmet and I found out the the bow and arrow bags used to have human hair on them as decoration!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Today in maths we did about shapes and then it was play time. After play time we did extended writing (as they now call it) we had to write a formal letter about a spider. Then we had guided reading and we marked our tests and I didn't like it because we had to read out what we put to all the group. I'm on level 5C now (which is very good).

In PE we got the climbing frames out again but I didn't like it much because we had to hop and do rolly-pollies (which is really hard to do on a climbing frame).

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

In maths today we did symmetry. In literacy we wrote a formal letter (I think I did very well in it even if I say so myself). This afternoon we watched some videos about ancient Greece.