Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello. Today we had Miss Evens with her stupid nonsenses about putting 'ing' in the end or words. And in maths we had a different teacher but it wasn't Miss Hethlethwaite - this teacher was all right but she did do this 'five things' which was a bit annoying. The five things were things like, stop, look, listen, stop moving your hands and legs and don't talk. We were discussing how Miss Hethlethwaite would have introduced the five things and though she would tell us what to do, then have a practice and then that we would have to do it 'really quickly children' as if we were in year 2, and then do the real thing and then say we did it too slow and then time us and then say that's too slow and then say 'that was better' and carry on doing it!

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