Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two blogs today because dad didn't get back until late yesterday.

Yesterday it was Spirit Alive - it was okay but it wasn't as good as last year because we didn't do bowling in the corridor, we did it outside instead. I was in the Spain team and we came ninth (which was rubbish); one of the reasons is that when our team played football one of the boys scored an own goal - he celebrated before finding out that wasn't the way to play - and then he did it again (and celebrated again).

Today I did ICT; we did a fact file about Roald Dahl. In maths I did unit B and C and then nearly managed to finish my target (adding up two double digit numbers in my head), but I got the last one wrong.

Monday, June 28, 2010

We had maths today - shapes. We had to measure then correctly with a ruler (in centimetres and millimetres. We did some more of our science topic today; habitats. We had to decide where each animal lives.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Today was brill. I don't know why it was - it just was. I finished off my big writing - we were doing a news paper report about a cat that acted like a dog and attacked a postman. I also did a report about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Disco and rounders! They were brilliant; they were both after school though - so it isn't 'Nadia's school days' - it's 'Nadia's after school days'! It was my first day at rounders club - I liked batting best because I got more rounders than the others - and we won loads of team points! And the disco was really good - we danced and danced!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Today I did PE which was really fun - we were practising for sports day. We did javelin (with space rockets) and dribbling with the ball. I went on the computer where I had to start something all over again - not because I was naughty (don't worry about that), but because it all went completely wrong.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today was brilliant - actually brilliant! Maths was easy and Miss said it was one of the hardest pieces of work we have ever done! It was fractions but really easy. I had to copy a news paper article as well (I had to copy it because I didn't have time to write my own because I was with the artist yesterday when the rest of the class was busy writing their news articles.

We also did the news article again, but typed it to make it look like a proper news article - Mr Collier put the title "The Daily Mail" in posh writing and set up the columns.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Today was the last day that the artist was going to be with us (boo-hoo). Because it was the last day, the artist gave all ten of us a present - watercolour pencils that you can use to write on yourself. It was brilliant; first we did some painting and then, after lunch, we did a presentation to the whole of key stage 2 to explain what we had been going over the four days.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Today we did maths - word problems; they were hard but I managed to get to number 4 (there were 6 all together. Our group always does unit C and everyone else does unit B - it's not fair!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yesterday I forgot to do my blog so I'm doing it today. Yesterday I did the art thing and I had to tell the little ones what to do. The artist is Steve Tomlinson (click on his name to see some of his work).

One of Leeds Rhino's rugby team came today - Ronny the Rhino came too.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today was brilliant because we had a world cup football match!!!!!! First we all went to the field. Even the Key Stage 1's were on the field. We had to dress up red and yellow clothes because each of the classes in the school had to come in the colours of a countries flag, and our country was Spain.

After school we had a disco - it was good.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Guess what I did today? I went to a school called Ebor Gardens! It was brilliant. First we got on the coach and it took about half an hour to get there. When we got there we sat down in the hall and Mr Lee ( the year two teacher ) told us what we were doing that morning. The first activity was a necklace made out of paper tubes. It was very fiddly but in the end I managed to make it. After that I did some Indian dancing and that was quite hard as well. There isn't much to talk about with that so I'll move onto the next thing that we did. The next thing that we did was design a henna pattern which was quite hard as well. Mine had flowers and swirls on it and that was really my day.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Today I made a Spanish flag and did a lot of writing.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Half of today I did art, and the other half I thought of newspaper headlines; we had to read some stories and then think of a good headline. We did maths too; we did times and dividing - it wasn't that easy because I had to do a sum with ten numbers in it.

In art I finished off the dress design for the girl in Klimpt's The Kiss and then I started work on Klimpt's Tree of Life which I managed to finish. Miss kept on saying how good mine was.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

An artist came to visit the school today. His name was Steve Tomlinson and he is going to do some art near our school. Only a few of us were chosen to go and work with him and I was one of them. We went outside with him to the community centre and went back in and we had to cut out some paper in the shapes of things we had seen at the community centre - I did a spiral and two windows (the spiral is a design on the community centre gate). We are going to see him on Monday too.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Today we found out that there is a disco next week and a football tournament and a trip to Ebor Gardens and spirit alive is coming up - I'm going to be busy!

We did some more work about newspapers today; we answered questions about a silly newspaper article titled 'My grandma is a bank robber!'.

Monday, June 07, 2010

First day back at school today; we didn't do any writing, but we did learn about Gustav Klimt (who painted 'The Kiss') - us girls had to do the circle designs on the ladies dress and the boys had to do the straight line patterns that are on the man's clothes.

In maths we did remainders (the were hard). And we started a new topic; news papers.