Friday, December 21, 2012

Last day today - it was absolutely fabulishious - because we voted what film we wanted to watch and we voted for Nativity and nearly everyone in year 5/6 decided to watch that - we got absolutely loads of sweets too.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today on maths there weren't any chairs so we got to go down to the ICT suite. We just played some maths games and stuff. Then we did big writing - I couldn't do it; we had to write a travel guide and I decided to go the Grand Canyon - but unfortunately there is nothing else in Arizona apart from the Grand Canyon!

We got to make ginger bread men and we were in the best group ever! And after school I got to sell the school newspaper with Summer.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hello people. Today was epic because first of all I got to have a fruitella and two chocolate coins because my name was in the calendar  but it got a bit worse after that. We had to do so called Christmas maths with Mrs Morish again and then in literacy all we had to do was finish off our poem from yesterday.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Today I was happy because we got to miss big writing again (but I think we are doing it later in the week). We did maths though - we were all excited because Mrs Morish said we were going to do Christmasie maths, but the questions didn't make any sense so it was really difficult.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Today was really icy so I was a bit late for school, but Mr Rowney got everyone to clap for me because I was the one that made us miss big writing!

We did topic though - we're still doing Britain since 1930s - we're doing politics about the elections and the houses of parliament.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today was athletics (we did our last panto performance too - it was a bit sad, but I'm glad their over).

In athletics we won! We were competing against five other schools and I won 2 race and the triple jump. We won a big cup that I went up to collect - it was brilliant!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today's RE lesson was the best ever - we had to imagine we were a rainbow, then Mr Rowney told us all we were fat and then we did some colouring in.

We did our evening play today - mom and dad came to see it, but it went a bit weird because the microphone didn't work for a bit.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today we did the first performance in front of the big people! It went really well - I was really happy; I did a dance (well I had to - it was part of the play). We didn't do maths today because we were doing stuff about the play and that's about it. Mom and dad are coming to see the play tomorrow evening.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Dress rehearsal today! We did it in front of the key stage ones, but they didn't seem to understand half of it so it was a bit of a waste of time. Maths was boring - way too easy (apart from the bit about bearings but that was easy when I understood it).

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Today first we had maths - we just had to draw a couple of grids and put some shapes in them. Then in literacy we had to write a letter to a famous person asking if they would visit our school - I wrote to Rihanna.

We practices the play today in our costumes - it was like a dress rehearsal for our dress rehearsal.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Today we started off the day with maths because Mr Rowney said we weren't doing any play practice today.We did rotation and translation - it was easy but annoying. In literacy we had to write a letter to Mrs Giles to say what our new timetable should be - mine had a school trip every Monday afternoon - cooking and more art and no topic!!

After lunch we copied something of the board and read a book - that was literally our afternoon!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

This morning we did play practice again and Mr Rowney said it was the best one we have done so far (unlike the singing - but that's the rest of the school). Before we had lunch we had to practice one of the dances while the receptions started coming in for their lunch so they just watched us with their confused faces!

After lunch we did topic which was pretty easy - we had to do this debate about whether TV is good for us.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Today I was really happy about maths because we were doing symmetry and reflection and stuff - it was really easy! We didn't really do literacy - we just marked our big writing and finished off our fashion stuff.

We rehearsed our play today - it went well - Mr Rowney said it was the best we've done yet!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Today was really good because we did all the boring stuff like maths and literacy - in maths we did coordinates and in literacy we did negative and positive arguments - it was easy!

After all that we had lunch and played football constantly and then we just did play practice for the rest of the day!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Today was a pretty weird day because:
1) We didn't do any writing today except for in maths (hurray)
2) Mr Rowney was calling year 6 girls out all afternoon to do with a fight my friends Stevie and Molly. It was really complicated so I'm not going to explain it. 
3) We did play practise all morning in front of all KS 2 and I found out that I had to dance to Gangnam Style and whilst we were practising in the hall all the reception's came in for their lunch and started dancing along.         

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today was a bit weird because everyone thought we were practising our play, but we're doing that tomorrow instead, so we did maths (angles - easy) and in literacy we had to write up mini arguments, but I couldn't concentrate at all because some people were talking.

We had art today as well but it was rubbish because we had to work in groups but no one in my group could actually do art, so I had to do it all.

Monday, November 26, 2012

I didn't blog at the end of last week - but I can't remember what happened! Today we did our first full run through of the play in front of the year fives, but they were so annoying because they were talking all the way through it!

I took my new football in today (I got it for my birthday which was yesterday) - we played with it every break time and even before school. I was in goal so that I could use my new gloves too. We also started drawing up our fashion designs (that's something I did at the end of last week!).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Today we did play practice - I remembered all my lines! So I'm pretty pleased with myself.

But the best thing today is that we went to an athletics competition and we won! In fact all the girls races and events were won by our school! I did triple jump (they had to adjust the starting pint because I was jumping over the landing area!), and I did the long distance race (I lapped everyone!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Today I found out that I've got to do a dance in the school play - it's a really cheesy song so I'm nervous about it because we have to dance in front of the whole of year 6 tomorrow!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Today wasn't the best day of the school year because someone hacked into the computer system so we had to all stay in at first play while the teachers worked out who did it and then Mr Rowney had to go out of the classroom all the time to tell people off about the hacking! So we missed half of literacy and so we were all talking about when we were in reception - it was fun actually.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today we planned tomorrow's team meeting - it's going to be good. We had gymnastics in PE - it was fun - we also did athletics training.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We had our first proper athletics training today - it was so fun as we got to miss French with Miss Geldard and Mr Rowney got the bounce boards out and everything! I was chosen for triple jump, long distance run (I think) and that's all I know so far.

We did a mental maths test today again - I got 20 out of 20 again.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today we did a test B in maths - it went well. Apparently I either went down or stayed the same on the test yesterday. We had a writing assessment today in English - we've already done exactly the same thing in topic! We did art today but I didn't enjoy it - we're doing a huge picture and everyone is doing a bit of it, but I don't like that because I like to have control of the whole thing! I had to to the top part of a person, but the one doing the bottom half of the person did it a bit rubbish so it looks crazy!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today in maths we had another test because all the teachers are getting serious about SATS - I think I did okay. We also had an English test after play and that went okay too.

This lunch time was the best because we had play practice (which only lasted about five minutes), and then the dinner hall was completely empty so we could sit anywhere, and then we had three quarters of an hour to play football - it was the best!

After lunch we started a new art topic, Lowry - I was really enjoying it, but I forgot we had to do the dancing with the nursery children so we had to go there. When we got back we did some more Lowery and we did a picture in his style.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Today in maths I got a level 5A in all three tests (I only got 3 wrong out of 68 questions) - still no team points though. In literacy all we did was go on the computers and write about stuff about the 1930s - it was a bit weird.

At lunch time we played football, but we had play practice first so we missed loads of lunch time and only had about 15 minutes to play. It was a bit rubbish because all of the boys were tackling each other because it was one of their birthdays.

After lunch Erin's grandma came in - she grew up in Germany during the war, but it was hard to understand her because she had a strong German accent. And we had a meeting about the team meetings which are going to be next Friday. We had to have a picture for the school paper too.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Today I met Darren Lockyer and he actually shook my hand - and I haven't washed it yet! It was at the opening of the Rugby League World Cap that our school's rugby team was invited to because we won the rugby tournament a couple of weeks ago. It was well cool!

We did another one of our dances for the nursery class today and it went really well. The teacher even said she liked the dance and said she was going to try it herself as exercise.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Hello. Today Mr Rowney was ill; again so we had to have Mrs Geldard, but we usually have her on a Wednesday anyway. We practised the Christmas play again - we did scenes 5,6 and 7.

We had a science lesson today about chemistry. We had to mix liquids together and separated them out again by heating them - it was good.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Today we had Mr Chadwick - I know how he is, so I try to keep quiet, but he is the most horrible supply teacher I've ever had.

The best thing that happened today was going to maths (because we have Mrs Morrish for that). Mind you, I got 39/40 in the maths test (again) and didn't get any team points - even though I got the highest in the class, and others got 14 team points when they only got 31/40!

So not the best day overall, but I have been chosen to visit the rugby ground for the start of the rugby world cup.

Monday, November 05, 2012

We practised our Christmas panto for the first time today. We had to do poems about bonfire night in literacy and Molly and I did the dancing for the nursery children - to tired to tell you more!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Today was the last day of term. I was really excited! Because we had a rugby tournament today and its the first tournament of the year and we won!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today we went to Eden Camp - it was scary. There were loads of manikins everywhere - the place is all about the two World Wars and it was all a bit horrible.

We had to fill in a fact sheet - the bliz room was the worse - some of the children had to hold the teachers hand.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We got our scripts today - I've got the very first line in the play! :) We found our right at the end of the day which was a shame, but if we got the scripts earlier we would have been reading it instead of doing our school work.

Big writing was bad.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This morning we had maths and we had to do something about bar charts - drawing them and doing stuff. It was so easy me and Suzan finished in about 5 minutes. Miss said we had to do some extension work and we finished that too and we didn't know what to do.

At play time it wasn't our turn at football and we're not allowed to even kick a ball if it's not your turn for football - if you do you have to stand by the fence with Dalton's Grandma for two minutes! And in that two minutes they forget you so you have to wait there about 20 minutes!

And I've been chosen to be on the school tag rugby team and we have a tournament on Friday. EPIC!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today maths was really weird because we had this mental maths test that was really hard and then Mrs Morrish said that it was one of the easiest paper that we'll do this year. Then we had to do stuff on measuring and that was really easy so it only took 5 minutes.  

In literacy we had to do some of those stories where you chose what happens next and mine was really good. At lunchtime I was playing football but I accidentally tripped someone over when I was tackling them and then one of his friends came up to me and started doing a speech about how girls are rubbish at everything and that we should get off the pitch but I thought it was really sexiest so I just said something really sarcastic when one of the boys on his team were running with the ball and tripped over it.      

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today was the harvest festival and I completely forgot, but luckily I had some money in my bag so I donated that. All the sensible people (or the ones they wanted to keep an eye on) sat at the front - and that included me but I wasn't sure how I was going to read the words for the songs because we were sitting behind the projector, but they had printed some song sheets for us. I told Mrs Giles that I passed the eleven plus test and she was thrilled. On the way back from the church I've never seen so many reception children having calamities - about 15 of them fell over!

Mr Rowney's aurt came in to talk about the war - she wasn't evacuated. She was about 6 when the war started.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello, sorry that I haven't been blogging because there has been loads and loads and loads going on at the moment, but today wasn't the most exciting day to re-start my blog because we had maths and stuff and it wasn't very exciting. But we did the dancing with nursery today but it was a bit of a disaster, so we are going to be more prepared next time.

One bit of news from yesterday, I passed my 11 plus exam! That means I can apply for Heckmondwike Grammar School! I'm well happy!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Today in maths I was really angry because Joseph had this book and he could do all the prime numbers work we were doing just by looking in the book. In topic we used iPads to look up about evacuation on the internet.

I scored 7 goals in football today!

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Today I played football again because I'm really starting to enjoy it! I did big writing again as well but we didn't really do much - just copy the poem we wrote yesterday.

The we had to finish of the painting we started yesterday and Nicole was upset because they got rid of the paint colour she invented yesterday (called porky pig).

I did a drawing today - we had to choose something to draw out of a set of objects that Miss had put together - I did a vase of flowers and the teachers thought mine was really good!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Hello, this morning playtime was rubbish and so was lunch time because we weren't allowed to play football. I really wanted to but it was year 5's turn unfortunately.
I really enjoyed what we did after lunch because we were meant to draw logo's for the horrible histories books but Mr Rowney asked if anyone who was really good at drawing wanted to help with the display and I was chosen along with Nicole and two boys in our class. One of the teachers had drawn this picture of a street that had been attacked by the Germans and we had to paint it. Then she just left us to it and we did that the howl afternoon. At the moment it looks really cool!

Monday, October 01, 2012

Today I played football again - it was really fun; I've been playing it every single day lately. In maths we did multiplication by the column method (I still prefer the grid method).We had to type up our biographies on a famous person on the computer today too - I did Jessica Ennis.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today has been absolutely fantastic! One of the girls in school today found out that there's this pressure point that only boys have (or so they say) and so all playtime the girls were chasing the boys round and trying to do it to them and in my opinion whoever found that out is genius.

Anyway, today we had big writing and that was the only down side of today. I didn't write much but it wasn't like I was being slow or anything, it was because I was trying to do really neat handwriting so after doing a page and a half of writing in my normal handwriting I'd only done about half a page.

I'm really happy about tomorrow because Mr Rowney said that instead of doing ballroom dancing in P.E we can do baking. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

Anyway I better stop writing about tomorrow just in case Mr Rowney changes his plans.
Write to you later,
Bye Bye     

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hello Nadia's school days readers! Today we had Mr Rowney back! After having Mr Chadwick teaching us for two days I'm kind of relived that everything is back to normal. In the playtimes today I was really bored so I decided to play football because some of my friends were playing and guess what.... I actually really enjoyed it. Some of the boys didn't want us girls playing though but we just took no notice of them.

We sort of had to re-do our work from yesterday because Mr Chadwick got all mixed up and we did stuff that we weren't meant to do so that was a bit annoying but that meant we didn't have to do big writing so I forgive Mr Chadwick

Anyway, got to go

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yesterday I got the team captain position!!!!! :-) I was so excited I forgot to blog! I got a badge which says 'captain' on it and I jumped up and down when my name was read out in assembly.

Today we had Mr Chadwick :-( . Mr Rowney again tomorrow though! He told us all about the school he went (which appears to have been full of nutters).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in maths we did a mental maths test and I got 19 out of 20. In literacy I was happy because everyone had to do their writing assessment but I did mine yesterday ( oh I didn't blog yesterday did I - yesterday I had a writing assessment).

Monday, September 17, 2012

This week is really important because we are doing team captains and I'm going up for Reds this year.

In mathematics we were doing multiplication and stuff, and in literacy we did comprehension.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Maths - 20 out of 20
Big writing - didn't enjoy (because Mr Rowney puts on music that I like and I find it difficult to concentrate)
Lunch time - I got about 20 hugs from the year 1children
Tag rugby - fun
ICT - found loads of pictures of our year 2 spirit alive

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hello - today in maths we had Miss Evens and we did rounding (or was that yesterday) - my brain is confused - we had Mrs Morrish today. Actually I have no idea! But I think we did calculator stuff today with Mrs Morrish and it was really hard.

We had Miss Geldard for the rest of the day because for some reason Mr Rowney doesn't teach on Wednesdays. I did some work today to plan what to do in tomorrow's big writing and we had to write an autobiography as if we were 50 years old and I said that I wanted to be a professional athlete and then when I was too old to be an athlete I would have my own range of perfumes. I also predicted I would be the youngest 400m gold medallist when I compete at Rio aged 14!

Monday, September 10, 2012

I didn't do my blog on Friday, so here goes - well, I can't actually remember much about Friday, but we did a bit about World War I and in big writing we copied out our 'all about me' thing and I finished mine.

Today in maths I got 18 out of 20 in the test and someone got 5 team points because they improved their score by 5 marks (as I got 20 out of 20 in my last test there was no way that I was going to get any team points which isn't really fare).

Most people hadn't finished their 'all about me' thing, but because I finished mine on Friday I got to do some work on the display.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Today we had a maths test - I got 20 out of 20. We had a spelling test too - I got 100 out of 100! We had PE today too; we played rugby which was really fun.

I walked home again today.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Today was the second day back at school! Today we had our first maths lesson and our first maths homework - in maths we were looking at how to get negative numbers to be positive. We did big writing today too and we had to write about ourselves to put on the wall.

We did music today - we had to learn this song from World War II - it started 'Hay, Mr Miller', but I don't remember the rest of it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

First day back at school! Yippee!

Today was so cool - I got to sit on the bench in assembly which is so much better than sitting on the dirty floor! My new teacher is Mr Rowney and he is like really nice. I've got Mrs Morrish for maths - I'm happy with that.

We got our new planners and wrote our stuff in it this morning and this afternoon we did some topic (history of Britain since 1930 - WWII is going to be a big part of it) and science (healthy lifestyle).

After school I walked home for the first time ever! It was a nice day so I walked instead of catching the bus and I saw some of my friends who were in year 6 last year and talked to them about high school.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I haven't been in school today because I'm not very well, but because I didn't blog on Friday and because this is the last blog before the summer holidays, I thought I should write something.

On Friday it was Molly's party - we went to Frankie and Benny's and afterwards watched Ice Age 4 - it was really good. But we didn't do much at school (for example, in maths we looked at photos!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Spirit Alive today! Our team came last, but I still enjoyed it.

I was in the school newspaper today too! For my win at the 400m at the mini Olympics.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Today in literacy Mrs Morrish said we could do more colouring in - we did that until lunch time! Before that we had maths with Miss Evans and we did rotating and translating coordinates.

After lunch we did an Andy Goldsworthy, but I don't want to talk about it.

Monday, July 16, 2012

We did a debate in literacy today about whether someone should be allowed to buy the school field to build houses. We got to colour in for our second literacy lesson - it was brilliant. We had a quiz after that!! This morning we had to have a test in maths though which wasn't as much fun.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hello. Me again!

Today we got told off a bit (all of key stage 2) because tech-decks and moshi monsters have been banned because of a situation that has happened, so we only had half an hour of maths (because they were shouting at us for so long!)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today was sports day! I came first in both my races (long distance and the sprint) and the green team (my team) won!! : D

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Today in maths I finished really quickly and Mr Rowney said I should wait until some others had finished before we could play a game, and my friends slowed down on purpose so that I didn't get to play the game.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Today in maths we were doing angles and I did the most in the whole class - we were only supposed to do section B and I got onto section C!

In literacy we had to start typing up an argument about whether we should have mobile phones in class.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Most of the year 6's went to Farnley High School for the day today - it was ace not having them around! We started a project on the computer about Australia and we did that for most of the day except for a bit of big writing (extended writing as we have to call it now).

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Today we had that maths teacher again, and I was really happy because we were doing range and mean and median and that and I knew all the answers; in fact he told me I wasn't allowed to answer any more questions! Me and Summer were working together and he asked Summer how we got the answer and she just said 'I don't know because Nadia did it!'

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Today we had this new teacher for maths - he was okay. We had to do word problems to do with measurement and stuff. In literacy we had to discuss why a tree shouldn't be cut down to make way for a playground. I was the chairman.

Monday, July 02, 2012

I'm in Mr Rowney's class!!! We had an assembly to find out who's class we are in next year and we were the last to be called out. I wanted to be in Mr Rowney's class.

In maths we had to convert from metric to imperial measurements and in music we carried on with our song.

Friday, June 29, 2012

We got our school reports today and I got my very first C (in French). I got an A for everything else though. In PE we played dodge ball and before that we did ICT where we carried on with last weeks work.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

That maths teacher from Farnley came again and taught us some more algebra, but it was hard because we had to complete a grid of algebra using clues - it was really hard!

In argumentative writing (literacy) we had to write down an opening paragraph for a statement about whether school should have school uniform and Miss made me read mine in front of the whole class (because it was so good).

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In maths - did we even do maths? Yes we did. In maths we did time and summer first like that stuff, so today summer worked out the number of minutes past on an analog clock, but wanted digital examples instead!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Today I had to get up at five o'clock in the morning! It was Olympic torch day! We went to a stadium ( the same one as we did the mini Olympics at). We got a free flag! But I was really tired this afternoon - at least all I had to do was watch a school football match!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Today was the school disco! I wore really really high heeled shoes and they made me as tall as Miss Brazel! It was brilliant! Today we learned our routine for Monday's torch relay thing for the Olympics.

In PE we didn't do PE because they were setting up the disco.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This morning Mr Rowney's year fives (i.e. me) had to do maths while everyone else didn't because this maths teacher from Farnley Academy was teaching us algebra. He is going to be teaching us for the next three weeks (on Wednesdays). I typed up the rest of my story today (it's going up on the wall) and in art we designed the pictures of what we are going to do in the style of Andy Goldsworthy - I'm going to be doing mine with Summer, Katie and Amelia - we're doing a rose made out of petals and leaves.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today in maths we had Mrs Evans because Mr Rowney was somewhere (I don't know where that somewhere is). In maths we did 3d shapes (because they don't think we know them). In fact I had Mrs Evans for every single lesson except for literacy. In literacy we copied out some of a story, so we didn't really need any teacher to be honest!

Monday, June 18, 2012

We Won! I Won! Today we had a mini Olympics between 12 schools in Leeds and our school came first! I ran in the 400m and I came first too! When we got back we had our lunch on the key stage 1 field which was brilliant!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Today I missed doing a quiz with Miss Morrish because we were practising for Monday's mini-Olympics in the hall. In maths we went to Mr Collier's class to do our games, but the games were a bit easy for them.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today we played games in maths and then reviewed them (which wasn't very hard). Then we did big writing about Mr Benn. After lunch we started our new art topic about an eco friendly artist called Andy Goldsworthy and we are going to try and make his type of art out on the school field.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today in maths we went down to year 3/4 again to do our board games - they enjoyed them. In literacy we read a bit and then read the end of Children of Winter and we thought about what the ending could be, but it was very hard.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hello. Today in maths we took our board games to the year 3 class for them to try out. The games were a bit to hard for them, but they enjoyed them, and, I've been chosen to take part in the mini Olympics! That's next Monday. Our new topic I'd the Olympics too. Anyway end of blog - more tomorrow.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Today was the last day of term and so we got to wear red white and blue for the diamond Jubilee. We had a street party but it was inside so it wasn't really a street party! We carried on with out maths games a bit more and managed to finish them off and then we played with them.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I did some more of my board game today (I know it's been ages since I started). In big writing we had to do a story about someone going back in time - I wanted to do it like Doctor Who, but I decided that that would be plagiarism - I went back to 1654.

We didn't do much else today!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today we did our assembly - Miss Brazel said she really enjoyed it. I had to read some information about how Britain was in 1952. We didn't do maths today because of the assembly, but in literacy we had to join words up with really good connectives.

We used the Mac Books today too to make a comic - it was really fun.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Today we practised our assembly - we're going to do it tomorrow, but Summer's not sure she can do it because she's got reading with the receptions. In maths we did some more of our game, but Massie wasn't in so there were only two of us in our group so we had to work extra hard (but we did it in the end). We even managed to start some of the sums for the actual game.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Today was funny because I got invited to a birthday party and then I got uninvited. Nichol was stealing Summer's shoes and taking the laces out because Summer was in a mood. And Stevie was stealing Summer's socks because the had frogs on ( really cute one's). We didn't do maths today because Mr Rowney's year Sixes were doinga reading test ha ha!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Today I don't know what I did - oh yes; in maths we did some more of our board game. To be honest all we did was rub it all out and start again!

We didn't do PE, so in that spare time we just finished off stuff and that was about it!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today was the last day of SATS. before play we had to do a science test A and after play we did science test B and they were both really annoying. But after lunch we watched a movie called  Cool Runnings about the Jamaican bob-sledge team. (wrong date! this was supposed to be the 18th May!)
Today we finished off our Olympic medals by tracing them onto the gold foil. I found out that I'm gifted and talented (again), in literacy, PE and ICT. In PE today we played rounders in the really hot weather - it was ridiculous.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today in maths we played games for the third day in a row ( or researching games as Mr Rowney calls it!) We designed the front and back of our own swimming Olympic medals and tomorrow we're going to trace them onto guild foil.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today in maths we played games again and we used the Mac Books today for music.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Today in maths I didn't do anything except for playing games because this week we're making maths related games for year 3. In literacy we went down to the ICT suit and found out information about famous swimmers.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

I didn't do my blog yesterday, but I'm not writing about yesterday - I'm writing about today!

Today I did a long writing task/test and a short writing task/test and I didn't enjoy them. In PE we played four corner hockey/football and then dodge ball - it was really fun. And then we got half an hour to do what we wanted on the computer (but not Moshi Monsters!)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today we used mac books - it was so cool, but we had to work in partners and I had to work with Jake ( which is alright).

We had another maths test today and the good thing about it was we got to use calculators.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Today is the start of SATS week - scary! We had our maths - in the mental maths test I got 17 out of 20 and in the booklet test I'm not sure what I got but I think I did quite well. After lunch we had geography - it was all right; we had to find geographical features in different places like the river Nile.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Today we marked our tests. In Paper A I got 33 out of 35 and in Paper B I got 34 out of 35 (because I forgot that grams are really small!)

In PE we played four corners and that's about it!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Today we carried on with the boxes for our cookies and we've nearly finished - it's just left with the wheels (it's complicated!)

We did big writing too today - we did some more of our Roald Dahl style story.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Today I hardly did anything so it was a really boring day, but in French we did some more work on our theme park design (all the writing is in French). We did a test in maths (another one). We're going to mark them on Friday.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Today I found out that I'm one of the people who has been chosen to greet the Olympic torch into Leeds!!!!!

In maths we had to show as much working out as possible, but the best thing about it was we got to draw pictures.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Today we had a stupid test in maths - I don't know how I did yet; it was like a SATS test, but not a real one.

Not much else happened today.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Hello, today we started to make the boxes for our biscuits and it looks so cool so far but we've only done one side. In big writing we had to do writing about what could go wrong in gorges marvellous medicine and it was boring but okay.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Today I got some really exciting news, because twelve people who have done sports this school year will get the chance to welcome the Olympic torch when it come to Leeds.

In maths we had Miss Geldard. We did adding big numbers, but I finished them all in about ten minutes.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Yesterday I didn't do my blog so I'll do it today. For maths we had Mr Collier. We did word problems with the OCA method (operation, calculation and answer method). In literacy we went on the computer and printed out the newspapers we did and most people looked at funny pictures of Mr Bean.

Today in literacy we did a Roald Dahl style poem and I bought some cookies (the ones we made earlier). And we designed the packaging for our cookies.

Friday, April 27, 2012

I went up in assembly today because of us winning the netball! I got to hold the trophy.

In other news, the receptions went on a school trip to the chip shop - it isn't fair!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today we made cookies - we made chocolate chip ones and they looked like the ones you would buy from a five star cookie shop! But we haven't eaten them yet.

In maths we went to the computer suit and did grid method which was really hard on the computer.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Today in maths we did column method multiplication and in literacy we had to write about Bruno Jenkins (a character from The Witches).

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Today was the netball tournament and we won!! It was the final too, so we are won the whole competition making us the best netball players in Leeds!

We were practising our netball, but Miss was cross with us when it was time to go because it we went a bit early. In maths we had to do sums like 6 x 8 = 48, so that means 0.6 x 80 = 48 and things like that.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I know I haven't done my blog for ages and I can't remember what I did so I'm just doing today. In maths I did adding decimals which was really easy and at playtime I had to do netball practice because I've got the regional finals tomorrow. I missed some of my French lesson as well to practice.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hello, today I didn't do any writing exept for in maths where we did a mental maths test (I got 19 out of 20). In literacy we watched The Witches and in RE we did about evolution.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hello. Today was the last day of term and Marcus got in trouble because he was hiding someone under the desk who was supposed to be in another class! We had our team meetings today, but they were a bit boring.

Today we went to a rugby match and I sang at the start of the match in front of 15,408 people!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today was the health fair - I had to run one of the stalls. At the start not many people came to our stall so we did the long version, but then everyone came so we had to make it shorter. We were showing cards with food items on them and you had to say which one was higher or lower than the last one in calories. The start of the health fair was a bit strange because we had to wait ages before the hall was clear because there was a PE lesson in there.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Today in maths we had to do level 4 and level 5 percentages and fractions - the last one was hard though. In literacy we had to write about a witch in Roald Dahl and in geography we had to do coasts and erosion.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today we did our fairground rides - Miss was fed-up. In maths we did one of those puzzle things - it was fun and our group was the first to finish.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Today we had to run! It was Sports Relief and we had a baton that we had to keep moving the whole day - I ran 110 laps on the field! I was the first person in the school to run 100 laps and I got to hold the baton for my 100th lap! We just ran a lot today! We did some maths, literacy PE and ICT but a lot of running too!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Today in maths Summer absolutely despised the lesson because in Summer's mind the teacher was just going 'blah blah blah blah blah' - the teacher was speaking in a way that nobody understood. In literacy (extended writing) we had to write a play script of a help desk for Microsoft Office - it had to have three characters.

In netball Miss Rose kept on calling Summer Summer-lee which got on her nerves.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Today we did our paper aeroplane lesson - we had swap instructions and then make the aeroplane according to the instructions. The plane I had to make was rubbish because I couldn't follow the instructions. In maths we did fractions and percentages and then it was lunch time. After lunch we had geography - we are doing coasts so we were learning about Whitbey.

We had French after that and that was my day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Today in literacy we made paper aeroplanes and threw them round the classroom - but that's what we were supposed to do! I got a sticker that smells of chocolate too in literacy because I was a hard worker! We had to write instructions on how to make our paper aeroplanes.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Big writing - typing up our instructions for an adventure quest. In maths Mr Collier taught us and we did adding decimals mentally. I don't like taking away!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Today was literacy - we did a spelling test and watch Lauren have a tantrum. In maths we did some puzzles which were quite fun, then we did ICT and we had to finish off our favourite book fact file. We did country dancing in PE - I had to dance with Jake.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today was weird because Mr Bradley's daughter was ill and Mr Rowney was on a course, so Miss was the only teacher for year 5/6! In maths we did something and in literacy we did big writing (or extended writing as it is now called).

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Today some people came from Leeds Uni to tell us about Geology and the Earth. We did the blowing up coca cola thing and they were really good because they talk to us as though we were in high school. We got to start making fairground rides too - we got to use saws.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Today it was a little be different because we did literacy after play. In literacy we had to write about animals and instructions on how to looking after them - I wanted to do a narwhal, but I couldn't find any books about how to keep one!

Friday, March 09, 2012

Hello. Today in maths we did activity books - they were really hard but I managed to do them all! In literacy we did suffixes and in PE we did country dancing.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Today was a pretty - how should I put it - a pretty cool day! One thing I didn't like about today was we had the evil teacher! I'd prefer Miss Heathlethwate! She put loads of boxes on our desk and didn't even move them. And she explains things in the hardest way possible! So me and Summer decided not to listen!

We made sandwiches today! And I got chosen to help with the health day in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Today we did our booster stuff again and had Miss Evens for maths and loads of other teachers for the other subjects! One of the teachers has got a hard workers list and she says she will give a prize to whoever is on the list but she never gives the prize!

Monday, March 05, 2012

I hated today - it was the start of the booster period where the year 6's start to revise for their SATS and we have to be split up from them and get all different teachers for everything! Mr Collier will do maths on Mondays, and other teachers on other days. At least my sandwich was nice!

Our new science topic is life cycles and we didn't get to do any writing!!

Friday, March 02, 2012

This afternoon we watched a movie which was really boring and Miss made us stay in at break time because of the stupid movie! It was a movie of a Anthony Horowitz book but it was rubbish!

 In maths we did some more probability - the section we did was easier than the easier section.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Today in maths we all got a sweet because to learn stuff Mr Rowney had to give out sweets which was part of the lesson - we were doing probability and we had to work out the probability of picking out a certain sweet from a bag (I swapped my sweet with someone!)

We did road safety today - we found out that Sebastian who used to go to Lower Wortley has a brother who got run over by a motor bike and had to have an operation.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today was our fantastic school trip. We went to the University it was all about music - we did music from other countries and then had lunch (we got a £5 voucher and we could choose what we liked - I had pork ans chips, a whisper bar and a bottle of coke.

In the afternoon we could either make our own instruments or play some real instruments - it was good fun.

Monday, February 27, 2012

On Saturday I came 26th in the cross country, but first amongst the girls in our school so I was quite pleased. Today in maths we did pie charts and I don't like pie charts because they don't taste like pie. In literacy we had to write a biography on Anthony Horowitz.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Today in maths we did pictogram and I finished everything so I had to do some more. In literacy we had to write a biography of Anthony Horowitz. In PE we had to do country dancing - it was brilliant - NOT!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today a police officer came in - he told us about racism and then about gay people and then she kept saying gay boy! She said it was wrong to say it and then she said it loads of times!

In big writing we had to talk about a place we've never been before. We didn't have any maths today because the police office was going on about gay boys. After lunch we finished of the fairground things and in PE we did badminton which made me feel very posh. Tomorrow in PE we're going country dancing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dad forgot to put my sandwich in my pack lunch today! I had to wait until everyone had finished getting their school dinners before I could get something to eat! But, because I was late for lunch I got chosen to be a library monitor, so that can't be bad!

In maths we found out what our calculator test results were - I got 36 out of 40 (I think I was top again!)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello. Today we had Miss Evens with her stupid nonsenses about putting 'ing' in the end or words. And in maths we had a different teacher but it wasn't Miss Hethlethwaite - this teacher was all right but she did do this 'five things' which was a bit annoying. The five things were things like, stop, look, listen, stop moving your hands and legs and don't talk. We were discussing how Miss Hethlethwaite would have introduced the five things and though she would tell us what to do, then have a practice and then that we would have to do it 'really quickly children' as if we were in year 2, and then do the real thing and then say we did it too slow and then time us and then say that's too slow and then say 'that was better' and carry on doing it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today in maths guess who got the top score in the whole class for the SATS test - moi!

I got a new dinner job today too - the book shelves; you get to stay in for half the playtime! Okay this time of year, but not good during the summer. And I got picked for the cross country racing this weekend! I'm getting the letter about it tomorrow; it's going to be tiring - I was coughing for most of the afternoon after the trial!

And we started our new fairground topic - we had to design our own fairground. And we started a new French topic; the funfair!

Friday, February 10, 2012

In maths we had a quiz (we got 7.5 out of 10 - it was hard!) We watched a movie 'The Lightening Thief' and we tried a Greek salad with feta cheese - it was really nice.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Stupid big writing! We had to do a recount of last Friday - most of us couldn't remember the details of last Friday. In maths we made triangular prisms out of straws and pipe cleaners - mine looked like a tent.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Today we had Miss Hethlethwaite again for maths - she still treats us like three year olds! And she says 'shh' at the time - we counted 273 times! We did 3d shapes - it was quite hard but it was just an exercise from a book.

This afternoon we did all of our RE lessons (we haven't done a single RE lesson for ages) so we finished our RE topic in one day. And we did our travel log for our ancient Greece topic.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Today we did computer thingy for year 1s and 2s - the person I was with was going to draw some pictures and save them and open them back up and he managed to do it five times! Tomorrow I'm helping the receptions with their reading.

Today I was shocked that I didn't have to do corrections for my assessment - Summer had some though. And we had a maths test with calculators - I think I got about 38 out of 40; we'll find out tomorrow probably.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Today in maths we had a SATS test - I got 17 out of 20 which I was pleased with. We finished our French topic - about the cafe.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Today was Greek today - no work! We were in the school hall all day! We saw this man called John and he had loads of replicas of Greek artefacts - he brought in some swords and armer and a bow and arrow. He started going on about medical things on ancient Greece and seven people had to leave because they felt sick - he said it was a new record! I got to wear a helmet and I found out the the bow and arrow bags used to have human hair on them as decoration!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Today in maths we did about shapes and then it was play time. After play time we did extended writing (as they now call it) we had to write a formal letter about a spider. Then we had guided reading and we marked our tests and I didn't like it because we had to read out what we put to all the group. I'm on level 5C now (which is very good).

In PE we got the climbing frames out again but I didn't like it much because we had to hop and do rolly-pollies (which is really hard to do on a climbing frame).

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

In maths today we did symmetry. In literacy we wrote a formal letter (I think I did very well in it even if I say so myself). This afternoon we watched some videos about ancient Greece.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today in maths we were going over all the methods of division and times. In literacy we did putting 'ed' in the end of words because Miss Evens thinks we're 3 years old! In topic we draw mosaics (it was hard - mainly because everyone was moaning about hard it was), then we had to go in groups and do philosophy - it was boring because everyone was a Christian (I said I believe in science).

I picked a new book today - Oliver Twist. I helped the year 1's and 2's to do the computers as well today.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Today we had two test - a maths test and an English test. I didn't enjoy either of them. Then we did topic even though we were meant to do RE - our group went on the computer to find out information about Alexandria the Great.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello. Today in PE we did game things and it was really fun - like obstacle courses and things like that. In literacy we wrote a letter and in maths we did stupid column method for timesing and it's really confusing - I prefer the grid method.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Today we had Miss Heblethwaite again but in our class this time - we were supposed to go to CLC, but the woman there had broken her arm (three weeks ago!), so we couldn't go. In PE I sat down the whole lesson because I didn't have any events to do! The next time I do it will be next Thursday.

We did some more on our stop motion animation today - the next job is to add extra bits.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today we had Miss Hethalwaite. We did division, but I've done it before so I finished all the lesson in about 10 minutes! In literacy we highlighted some different words and receptions had their assembly today - it was so cute!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today was seriously weird - especially this lunch time because I had to go and have my lunch, go up and down stairs about 50 times and then do ICT club for the year 1/2s and at 1pm we had to get ready to go to the athletics which was really good because we got out of Miss Dixon's lessons - she doesn't explain anything; the other day she just said 'write a diary'!

In the athletics I did the one lap individual and the three lap baton and the long distance and then I did the long jump and the obstacle course. We came forth (last), but we were still really happy!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Today in literacy we just had to talk with our partners. So all I did was chat to Summer for half an hour about King Midus. In maths we did number sequences - ours were really hard because they had letters in them! Question 4 was so hard that we didn't have to do it!

At break, I had to teach Dalton how to do the long jump, but he just ran off to play basketball!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Today we did our stop motion animation - the title was 'Nuki and Snuki star in the Hoperana!'. It was really good. I did my dinner job today too - we have to stay in with the year 1/2s at dinner time if it's raining.

And I found out my events for the athletics: I'm doing long distance, the sprint, obstacle course and long jump.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm am officially the fastest girl in the school (well not officially, but I am). I'm also a Spartan soldier. Today we did big writing - it was about a picture that speaks (like a painting that talks). I didn't even get half way through mine, so I ended it with a dot, dot, dot (which is one of my targets anyway).

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yesterday was a training day, so no blog. Today in maths we had Miss Hebelthwaite - we did factors. We did a news report in topic about the Persian War and in literacy we planned a re-count.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Today in maths we did square numbers and the square root of numbers - I was the first one to understand a number sequence (the numbers were all square numbers). We had French today too (really boring!) Miss started saying a bunch of random words and we had to try and understand them!

Summer had to stay in nearly all playtime because she had to finish off a picture and I didn't have to stay for very long (we had to do the corrections in our book).

Friday, January 13, 2012

I went in a limo today! It was so cool! We drove round town and we had pink sparkling fruit juice and we waved out the windows and everything! Molly won the trip in a raffle and she invited us to join her after school - it was ace!

The rest of the day was quite dull!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Today we did PE which was ace! We got to go on the climbing frames in the hall - that's only my second time ever! We did athletics training too - I did javelin and jumping, but I couldn't do the hop step and jump.

We did ICT today - we did about databases, but I lost all my questions! I might be helping the year ones and twos at ICT at lunch times soon!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two day's blog again today - I've been forgetting lately. Yesterday I learned the Joe song - I'm not going to write it down because its a little bit strange and it goes on for ages.

Today we had this weird teacher for maths and I hated her - she teaches us like we're five years old. We did big writing instead of normal literacy today.

Monday, January 09, 2012

I didn't do my blog on Friday, but I can't remember anything from them apart from running around the football pitch 20 times practising for cross country which I might be doing.

Today Nicol brought in spider-pillar which is a little toy Caterpillar which Stevie calls spider-pillar. We carried on with our play script (that's another thing we did on Friday) - and we learned about slavery in ancient Greece. In maths we went down to the ICT suite and did our work there and Mr Rowney gave Summer and me team points.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Today I did a database all about Beano characters (we could choose what we wanted). In maths we did rounding to the nearest whatever. Because we always finish so quickly, Mr Rowney gave us a number that we had to convert from pounds to dollars and round it up - it was really tricky!

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

I forgot to blog yesterday - yesterday we were told that we were sticking with our ancient Greek topic, but we were doing play scripts for the first part of it. So to tie it in we got some Greek plays which we had to act out - I was the narrator and I had the most lines!

Anyway - back to today. We acted out the play today and I was excited and it went really well. In maths we did number placement and in French we started our new topic - The Cafe!