Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Today we did a mini Olympics called Spirit Alive. I was in the China team - I'll tell you where the China team came at the end of the blog!

We did lots and lots of different sports. First we went in and did all the usual things like hang my bag on my peg and then we had registration. Next we went up to the hall and all sat down with all our different sports kits on - we all had different coloured sports kits depending on which team we were in - I had red and white (for china), and another team had red and yellow (that's why we couldn't have red and yellow even though China's flag is red and yellow).

Miss Giles said that they will call out the different countries and then play the national anthem for those countries and all the people from that country team had to stand up. We had a flag for each country and I had to hold the China flag and wave it during the football and the hockey. Then we went out and did our games - first it was running races - I came first out of all the key stage ones. Then it was hurdles but key stage 1 weren't aloud to take part. Then we had throwing - I got 10 points! Then we went inside to have a drink of orange or raspberry juice and a biscuit, and then we went up to the hall again to do dancing. China (my team) had to dance against the USA, and we won - all the music was Micheal Jackson. Key Stage 1 danced to 'ABC' and Key Stage 2 danced to 'Can You Feel It'. Our points were 9, 9, 9, 7, 8, 7. Then we did bowling in the corridor, and then went for a little play outside.

It started to rain a bit, so we had to go under the shelter, then we joined the rest of our teams and then we played some more sports. After lunch we did hockey and football - I got one goal in hockey and in the next round, I scored another goal. In football I scored two goals and in the next round I scored another goal. Miss told us secretly how many points we had, but none of the other teams knew. I'm not going to tell you the points until the end of the blog though.

We all went into the hall again in our teams so that each team was sitting together. I thought we were going to come third or second. One of the teachers was late, so we had to wait for him to arrive and while we were waiting we sang 'I say spirit - you say alive - Spirit Alive - It's the best day ever!' and if you watched Britain's Got Talent this year and you saw DJ Talent, you'll know what tune it was to. Then Miss Giles read out the who came 10th, who came 9th and so on and guess where we came?......

.....FIRST! With 558 points! I got a gold medal (with the rest of my team). Brilliant!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Today I got in trouble by Alix again (about 500 times), but she told me not to cry because she didn't want to get into trouble. We're going to make a poster to do with Tocuaro, and we had a sheet and we had to do some little information boxes (but they weren't supposed to make sense), and Alix wanted to be my partner, and she wrote 'Nadia and Alix' on the sheet and I tried to rub it out but I couldn't, but I managed to hide it from Miss, and Miss told us to put it in the paper bin anyway!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Today Micheal Jackson died. It was devastating. I was thinking about it all day - it made me really upset.

I did get my school report today - it was good (I got all A's for my attainment and mostly A's and a few B's for my effort). We had PE today; we did different activities like batting balls and skipping.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today I had singing - we are learning to sing a robot song. I wrote a report about a village in Mexico called Tucuaro. There are only three shops in Tucuaro, and 600 people, and a pink church. The shops only sell things that people need, and if they need to get other things, they have to go to Patzcuaro. There is a lake near by too (Lake Patzcuaro) where they can go to catch fish. In the lake, there are these really tiny fish (I can't remember what the type of fish is). They also hold a fish festival each year where someone wears a fish on their head and some girls wave a big net at him. Tucuaro is famous for its masks - they make traditional masks and a girl called Angelica paints them using bright colours.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Today I had assembly; it was a class assembly today - the play today was Noah's Ark and one of the naughtiest boys in the class played God. I knew one of the songs in the play.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today I had a rubbish day! Alex (one of my ex-friends) said I was smelly. She pushed me off the tyres and I really fell over and hurt myself - I surprised that Suzan is still her friend (maybe she's a secret agent working for Alex). It was a perfectly rubbish day.

We had RE today - we were making up rules of our own, one of mine was 'help animals if they are suffocating'. We did numeracy as well - we had to draw a block chart on the computer and collect information about our favourite seaside activities.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Miss Giles in assembly was a grumpy Miss Giles today - she said the year 3, 4, 5 and 6 toilets were disgraceful - there is wee all over the floor and the cleaners said they don't want to clean our dirty mess up because it is so bad. But because I'm in year 2, and it was only the boys toilet, I was in the clear! The other thing that Miss Giles was cross about was that some year 3's in the school have planted some sun flowers and someone at the weekend pulled them out! She wasn't a happy bunny.

I sang the national anthem today.

Friday, June 19, 2009

In two weeks time, we are going to do a mini-Olympic games in our school! Because in the real Olympic games there are lots of different countries, all the school was divided into different groups, and we had a teacher in charge of our group and there were children from all the different years in our group, and our group was the China group! We are going to be doing running, javelin, dancing and other sports.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today we did numeracy (dividing) and literacy (big writing - writing a fiction of non fiction book; we were writing about a book called 'Winnie at the Sea Side' Winnie is a witch) and that's really it! I did play 'foreign secretary' with Daniel though - he's not very good at it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today I did my assembly. I had to read a poem about happiness - it was 9 lines long! I remembered it though, but two people got their bits wrong; they were supposed to be playing some instruments; but they didn't do it at the right time, and because they got it wrong, the people that were supposed to do it after them also got it wrong! It was a disaster!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I forgot to do my blog yesterday, and I've forgotten what I did at school! Today I got an NSPCC 'full stop' badge. It's green with a smiley face on it called Will Stop. I taught Daniel the 'foreign secretary' game where you have to say 'foreign secretary' in the funniest voice you can, and if anyone laughs their out and you win - simple. Daniel liked it (strange boy)!

In PHSCE we were discussing what moms and dads would buy with money and what children would buy - children would buy bubble gum, sweets and toys whereas parents would use their money to pay tax, car tax and other types of boring stupid things! Someone said that you could get money by winning 'No Deal or No Deal' and I shouted 'It's Deal or No Deal' right in front of the teacher but I didn't get into trouble.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today I got battered by some boys from reception class! They were hitting Dominic and Sam and Alex and I went over to see what was going on and they started hitting and punching us! I tried to get out of there playground, but they were chasing us - they even dragged my back in! And I got a Chinese burn in Koosh! I had a red mark for about half an hour!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today I did a Gillian Ayres picture. Gillian Ayres is a famous artist; she was married to another famous artist, but they divorced. Gillian Ayres lives in London now, but I don't know where she was born. This is one of her pictures - today I painted a picture just like this one. It took a very long time, but Summer had to stay in during last play to finish hers off. Our pictures will be put on the displays (I think).

We were supposed to do our writing targets today, but I didn't get chance to do mine, so I might have to do it during playtime tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I was the NSPCC helper today! I got to wear a special badge. We had our spelling test today; we have to do sentences with the words in and I wrote 'it was dark and it was very scared' and for the word 'scared' I did jiggedy-jaggedy writing as if he was shaking.

Monday, June 08, 2009

First we did the register - I'm the seventh person in the register. After that I went to assembly - we did singing in assembly; we sang Matthew 22 verses 34-40. After that we went back to class and sat down on the carpet. I can't remember what we did before break, but during break I played doggies (but I wasn't a dog, I was a ten year old little girl). My friends, Summer, Alex, Fay and Maisie played the game with me.

After break, we had numeracy; in numeracy we had to get a shape that was made out of foam (it could be any shape at all), and we had to draw the shape in our books. Then we had to label where the right angles were in the shape we had drawn. Then it was lunch time. I continued the same game that we played during first playtime, and then went in to have my sandwiches; ham and salad wrap with a Baby Bell, a drink and a yogurt, but daddy forgot my spoon today so I had to borrow one from school dinners. I had some raspberries too!

This afternoon, I did my own little school report because soon my mom and dad will get the school report - I said that I could have done better at my spellings. During end playtime we played the same game again!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Today we made some buns. We had to measure out the ingredients. First we put 100g of sugar on the scales, then we put it in a big bowl. Next we added 100g of margarine and 100g of flour and 2 eggs and put them in the bowl too. Then we mixed it all together, and put them in our bun cases to put in the oven. It took about 15 minutes to bake, but we had until the end of the day before we could take them home, so we waited the fifteen minutes, and just before our story time we decorated them. We put smarties and white icing onto it then.
In year 3, I'm going to play a musical instrument! A man came today to tell us about playing an instrument. He played Amarillo on the trumpet, and after the bit that goes 'sha-la-la-la-la-la-la-la' we had to go 'oh-ah'. We have to go for a meeting next week to find out about getting started; I'm going to play the flute.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I'm going to carry on about the assembly today; well, after the story about Marcus, she told us more about the NSPCC and then she said if we did some numeracy sheets we can win some prizes and then she pointed at me to come to the front with a couple of other people and I had to hold up this massive card about raising money for the NSPCC for the children.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about the gardening we sometimes do at lunch times.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Well, I'm going to talk about assembly today. On Monday, some special people came from the NSPCC; they told us what they do and told us the story of Cinderella - they used a doll with ragged clothes, but I didn't think the clothes looked too bad' I thought they looked quite fashionable. It was the sort of outfit that Gok would come up with. Then it turned into a beautiful pink dress (which wasn't fashionable at all).

They told us a true story about a boy called Marcus. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow....