Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today I was chosen to be the band monitor! I've even got my name on a special sign behind Miss's chair! It says that I am the band monitor. The band monitor is the person who gives out the coloured wrist bands which let the dinner ladies know what you've chosen to have for your lunch. It is a very important job - it's the job that everyone wants to do! You have to take the band box up to the office to re-fill it every morning and then take the box back to Miss.

After ICT today (which was a bit boring) it was PE, but I didn't do PE - Summer and I were chosen to do some gardening. First we cleared up the weeds (that's the worst job for a gardener), then we planted some cauliflowers (some of the other people planted other things). On Thursday it's the year two's go.

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