Friday, May 13, 2011

Today was a very good day because we didn't have to do any more SATS! (But the year 5 and 6's did). The bad thing was the year 5 and 6's got a party on the afternoon - mind you, our afternoon work was pretty good too.

In maths we got to make up our own mental maths test; me and Maisie worked together to make it - and we read it out to the whole class and they had to do the test! We even said 'thank you for your honest marks' at the end (just like the tape says). I got 2 team points because of it!

This afternoon we did history - we did about Henry VIII's wives. We had to answer questions in a table like 'when did Henry die?' and then we did something for the display; we drew our own pictures of Henry's six wives - I'm doing all six; I've got to finish them off (I've only done the first two).

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