Monday, September 07, 2009

Today was my first day in year three. I brought in a fan from my trip to Ghana to show my class - I also brought a report about Ghana, but today we didn't have time to show it. We sat down in class and did registration, and then we had to move classes to do our numeracy - I moved to Mrs Braselles group. I'm in the square's group; we did some work about hundreds, tens and units, but I did thousands by mistake, because Mrs Braselle said 'write down in your books 2, 3, 4 and 5, we were supposed to put them down the page, but I did them across the page and so it looked like 2345, and I said that it was 2000 + 300 + 40 + 5, and when I had finished I realised that I should have written the numbers down the page, so I put my hand up and the teacher saw what I did, and she said that she needs to give me harder work to do.

We did science today too, our topic is extreme weather like hurricanes and tornadoes, and we were learning about light, and we did some work on the computer and I chose Summer to work with me.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Hi Nadia,

Good to see the blog is back!! I had forgotten to read some of the entries before the summer. I hope your first day back was really good. I will speak to you soon.

Lots of love,

Uncle Paul