Monday, December 10, 2007

It was my turn to do the calendar on the 8th of December, so I had a chocolate today (the picture was of some diamonds, and the chocolate was shaped like holly). We had assembly today; it was year 5 and year sixes Christmas play - they did Aladdin; it was a bit boring - it was too long! It was even longer than my play! It had been going on for ages, and it was still the beginning, then it carried on and on and on and I was bored.

We had theme work today, we learned about Hanukkah and we played dreidel. I wish I knew Hebrew.

For lunch I had tuna pasta with baked potato and cucumber sticks and I had radishes and peppers and lettuce and tomato, and for pudding I had chocolage angel delight. With milk I had oranges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nadia,

I used to be able to read Hebrew. I have some books somewhere. I will have a look at home but they may be at Nanny and Granddads. It is very difficult because they have a different alphabet.

Lots of love,

Uncle Paul