Friday, June 22, 2007

This morning daddy took me into school - it was a special day today; it was space day, and we all had to wear white and silver. After register time, we went to assembly. After assembly we went back to class and played; well, I didn't even play, I just sat - then it was milk time (oranges today). Then we went out to play - I played with a hula-hoop - then we went back in.

For lunch I had pizza, chips, baked beans and tomato sauce and for pudding I had grapes (mixed colours). After lunch it was play time; I had a battle with Suzan we were playing trying to push each other over (but it was just a game).

When we lined up, I said astronauts need helmets because there isn't any oxygen in space. Then we went into Mr Bradley's class and watched a film about dinosaurs because our whiteboard TV was broken.

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