Tuesday, September 04, 2007

This morning I wasn't in Mr Collier's class - I was in Miss Atkinson's. We all lined up in the big girls' and boys' playground, and when the bell went, we had to go in a different door. I hung up my PE things on my peg and went in. I had my own draw inside the class which I put my folder in (we can put our toys from home in it as well if we like). We all sat on the carpet and did register - I said 'Yes Miss Atkinson'.

We had to draw a picture of something to make the classroom a happy place - I drew a picture of the whiteboard. There is this team point thing in the classroom - I'm in red team. Well, the red team only has 2 points, but the blue team has 5; yellow team has 2 and green team has 1. Whenever you get a point, you can colour in a box.

Then I played outside in the big playground, and when we went back in we had milk and carrots, and then we played again. For lunch I had cauliflower cheese, sweetcorn and new potatoes and strawberry yogurt for pudding.

This afternoon we had a draw a picture of ourselves, but I didn't put a smiley face on mine because they took a picture of our face to stick on the picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nadia,

Hooray!! The blog is back. Over the summer it has been really boring without reading the blog.

I showed some of my work colleagues your picture today. One said how tall you looked. Nanny had told me you were shooting up.

I thought it was funny that you drew a picture of the white board. Did you just give the paper back with nothing drawn on it and say it was the white board?

Glad you enjoyed your first day back.

Speak to you soon.

Lots of love,

Uncle Paul