Monday, July 16, 2007

I didn't write a blog on Friday because daddy was out, but I can't remember what I did, so I can't write it. Anyway today was sports day; we didn't have to wear our school uniform to school, we went in our PE kit instead! After register I lined up to have a wee and then we went into the hall to get the stickers to say which team we were in - I was in rhinos. Then we went into the playground where all the moms and dads were. My daddy was there, and my old neighbours were there too.

Everyone had lots of fun, but we couldn't do any of the races,because it was too wet and slippy on the grass, so we played team games instead. After all the games, we sat down and Mrs Giles told us to say hip-hip-hooray for the sun!
For dinner I had lasagna, wedges, sweetcorn and broccoli and for pudding I had apple sponge but no custard today.

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