Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dad dropped me off today, and I was very good. I ran straight in, and then I ran back to dad for a kiss and a cuddle, and then ran in again. This morning, I did the same as yesterday. And then we sat on the carpet, and when we were all ready, we went to the big playground. I didn't see my friend Sarah though. When we had finished, we lined up and then went back into class. We sat on the carpet, and then we played. Then it was time for milk; we had carrots today and then it was playtime again.

After playtime, we sat on the carpet again, sang some songs like the Grand Old Duke of York and Mary Mary Quite Contrary and after that it was time for lunch. I had fish fingers and spaghetti hoops and an apple for pudding.

After lunch, I played in 'choosing', and I wanted to play in the house, but it was closed, so I played jigsaw instead.

When it was time to go home, no one came for me. I was due to go to after school club, but they forgot to pick me up. I was very sad because I thought that daddy had gone home and forgotten about me. But the after school ladies came and picked me up, so everything was okay.

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