Tuesday, April 24, 2007

This morning when I went in Mr Collier wasn't there - a new teacher was there called Mrs Crampton. She was doing the register, so I said 'yes Mrs Crampton' when she called my name. After register it was swapping time; I was on Mrs Hodgeson's carpet today. Then it was playing in time; I can't remember what I played. Then it was milk time - carrot's today. After that it was playing out time - I ran about during break. When we went back in we did some more 'ig' words then it was lunch time - I had chicken and pineapple, potato, carrot and cauliflower and for pudding I had ginger sponge - no custard today. Then it was playing out time - I played princesses and witches - I was a princesses helper - one of the big girls was the princess.

This afternoon we made some beans on toast. And I went on the smiley side today because I did a brilliant sentence all by myself - no teachers around me, no children - just me! I heard some people saying that I'm going to play on the castle of do tomorrow - I can't wait.

I went to Koosh today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nadia,

The big pig wore a wig as he ate a fig before doing a jig and playing tig!!

Uncle Paul