Thursday, October 12, 2006

Daddy had to go out yesterday evening, so I'm doing my Wednesday blog today.

Yesterday morning I was sensible when I went in. Then Mr Collier did the register, then we sat on the carpet and had milk - can you see my teeth, they look strong because of all the milk.

Yesterday we had our school photos - Mr Collier took us into the hall, and we all sat down. Then one at a time, we had to go and have our picture taken. It was a lady that was taking the picture, and she asked all the girls to say 'cheese' and all the boys had to say 'cheeky monkey'.

I can't remember much more about yesterday - I'll write about today after my bath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nadia,

I read your blog today and thought how exciting going in a police helicopter. You were fibbing though!

I can't wait to see your new school photos. I will have to get a new picture frame.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Take care.

Lots of love.

Uncle Paul