Thursday, December 07, 2006

This morning I didn't cry when I came in. Then it was register time; I can't remember if we went to assembly or not. Then it was playing in time. I made a collage today -but that was this afternoon. We played out this morning - we played sneaky super spies, and when we came in we didn't have time to have our milk - so I had to have my dinner first and then milk. For lunch I had bacon, baked potato and broccoli and for pudding I had chocolate pudding with custard.

When I went out to play after lunch, I was too busy running and I didn't notice the bike and I just tripped over it - I've done that four time now. I hurt my knee and my hand and it made a hole in my tights. Mrs Buttery saw me do it and let me go in to wash it with cold water, but it was still hurting. Then I went back in.

We went on Mrs Hudson's carpet this afternoon. Mr Collier did the register on Mrs Hudson's carpet - he did the register for Mr Collier's and Mrs Hudson's class. Then we went back to Mr Collier's carpet to have our milk - we had oranges with our milk today. Then it was playing in time, and that's when I did the collage. It was of some fireworks.

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