Saturday, December 16, 2006

Yesterday, daddy was too tired to do my blog with me, so we're doing it today. Yesterday morning I didn't cry when I went in. Then it was register time. We did our register, then it was time to go to the loo and wash our hands, and then we went to the hall because today we were doing our play again; that's 3 times! We went to the corridor where no one can go, and got changed and then went into the hall. I saw my mom and dad in the hall ready to see my play.

There were lots of songs in the play, and I really had fun doing it. Mary sneezed this time; poor Mary. After the play all the moms and dads clapped and they went. Mr Collier, Mrs Hudson and Mrs Gibbon all took photos of us, then we played inside, then we played outside, and then it was milk time. I had an orange with my milk. For dinner I had Christmas dinner again, but today we had chocolate Christmas pudding.

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