Friday, December 08, 2006

This morning I was a bit late. Mr Collier was already doing the register. I wanted to tell Mr Collier about my picture on the bbc pm blog, so I kept saying 'BBC PM blog, BBC PM blog...' so that I would remember. When I told Mr Collier he said 'what are you saying' and I told him 'BBC PM blog' - he asked me what does it mean, and I told him that I'm on the news on the computer - if you want to see it click here.

After register, it was playing in time - I was looking around for a bit because there were more things in school - I've never heard of the mark making area - and that's the place where I sometimes go to do my sounds. Then it was playing out time. I fell out with Chester because we couldn't decide who should be Sporticus. We needed one Sporticus, and every boy wanted to be Sporticus, I had to choose someone, so I did a rhyme, and it wasn't Chester - he just cried. It was Jake Curtis who was Sporticus. I was Stephanie.

Then it was milk time; I didn't have any milk actually - nor any fruit - I just had a drink of water. Then it was dinner time; for dinner I had fish fingers, potatoes, sweetcorn and cucumber and for pudding I had yogurt - the other pudding was the one with fruit in and I didn't really fancy it today. Then it was playing out time, then we washed our hands and then we practised the play. We did it first and then again - two time we did it. After that it was going home time.

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