Thursday, February 22, 2007

This morning I didn't cry like a tiny baby - then it was register time; Mr Collier did the register today. Then it was assembly, then it swapping time, then it was playing in time; I didn't pay anything - after that it was 10 fingers time, and we had to tidy up, and then it was milk time - oranges today - they were running (just kidding!).
After milk it was playing out time, then it was playing in time. After that it was dinner time. Today I had chicken curry with rice, cucumber and for pudding I had rhubarb crumble (it wasn't as nice as daddy's). After dinner we played out for a bit and then went back in.

After register, Mr Collier showed us this book which had horrible things in it; this owl made a pizza with disgusting things like tadpoles and spiders and maggots and that sort of thing. We were going to write a sentence about the pizza and we were going to make a pizza. I made my pizza first (with no maggots and no spiders and no tadpoles). After I had finished my pizza, I heard everyone singing and I thought 'that sounds good - I've got to join in', and I thought it was good enough to show the head mistress, and we did show the head mistress; she thought it was fabulous - everyone clapped (even Mrs Gibbon).

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