Monday, February 19, 2007

Today was my first day back at school after the half term holiday. I was singing and dancing when I arrived. Then it was time for register; I said 'good morning Mrs Peacock'. Then it was swapping time; I was on Mrs Hodgeson's carpet today. After swapping we played inside; I was so excited at milk time - I was so excited, but I don't know why - I don't even know when I was excited. I was doing some work; we had to do these wild animals and say 'I see a tiger', 'I see a zebra'. After that it was milk time; no apples, no bananas, nothing at all! Then it was playing out time, then it was playing in time, then it was dinner time.

For dinner I had mince with vegetables with new potatoes and pasta and for pudding I had sponge with lemon icing on the top and a little bit of custard - it was delicious. Then it was playing out time. I loved playing out time today because I played with all of my friends - but it was a bit nuisance playing out time - I don't know why, but I had to chase this boy - he was 7, and had taken Molly's hat.

This afternoon, I drew my face and I got 2 team points, one for my hard work, and one for my picture - no one has ever got 3 team points before! Then it was going home time. I went to koosh today.

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