Friday, February 23, 2007

This morning I didn't cry like a tiny baby - wah, wah, wah! I wanted to bring my CD of high school musical today, but it was still in after school club. I saw Gale when I went in and asked her to get it for me, and she said she would give it to daddy. Then it was register time - and after that it was assembly. When we got back to class, I played inside - I just shook an avocado. Then it was milk time; I had a chocolate with my milk today - not everyone got a chocolate. We had eight people on my table, and we all got a chocolate.

When we went out, I was doing some dancing practice for this afternoon's talent contest. Then we went back in and played some more - I shook a banana. Then it was lunch time. For lunch I had pasta with cauliflower, and broccoli mixed together, and chips and carrots and for pudding I had chocolate pudding with custard.

This afternoon we had talent. I sang some songs with Suzan, Ellie, Ellie, Stevie and Olivia as one of my talents, and sang some songs to my High School Musical CD with Nichol. I won talent today, so I got a chocolate for doing talent well, practicing all week and bringing the CD in. I'm really good at winning prizes.

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