Monday, November 13, 2006

This morning I didn't cry when I went in. Then it was register - today I took the register with Nichol. After registration, we played inside; I played with Chester and Stevie in the dough area where we made spaghetti. We also made a rainbow with Mr Collier - gave us some photocopies with three squares and a three rectangles and then we had to colour the boxes in and in the rectangles we had to write the colours down. I had red, green and yellow because yellow is my favourite colour.

After that we went outside to play - I didn't have time to play numberjacks, but I ran around and around and then we lined up to go back in.

After that it was milk time - I had an orange and some milk today. Then we played inside. After that it was lunch time. Today I had corned beef and roast potato with cucumber and for pudding I had yogurt because I don't like raisin sponge.

After lunch I played outside; we played Luna Jim. Then we went inside. Mr Collier photocopied another picture with a person on it, but it didn't have anything on it because you have to draw the things on his body. I drew hair, eyes, nose and on the outside I drew mittens, shampoo and conditioner, the sun and suncream, a scarf and a hat - and with Mrs Hudson I made a car number plate and I had to do numbers and letters.

Mrs Gibbon showed us how to do weaving - well, I knew how to do it. I went out and in, out and in, out and in - that's weaving. After that we sat on the carpet and it was home time. At Kaleidoscope we made a tent with Luke and Rebeca and Ryan.

When I got home today, I dressed up as a princess - and that's the picture I put on my blog today.

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