Thursday, November 23, 2006

This morning I was a bit late - Mr Collier had already starting doing the register - but I arrived just in time for my name to be called out. After registration, we went to assembly. In assembly, one of the teachers called out my name and I stood up, and all the children sang happy birthday to me (and the others who were standing up - but they were big boys) - I was a bit shy. The teacher asked me how old I was going to be and where I was going for my party, and I said 'fun city and I'm going to be 5'.

After assembly, we played inside; we played in the dough area and made pigs with dough and we went in the workshop to make a fire engine, but it fell apart. Then we played outside; we played numberjacks; Erin was 4, I was 9 (for a change) and Chester was 10. We didn't have anyone to be the spooky spoon or the problem blob, but there were clues everywhere - this purple gooey stuff. After that we playing inside for a bit and then it was milk time. We had apples with our milk today - actually, I can't remember if it was apples, or pears or if we had any fruit at all - oh, now I remember, it was bananas.

For lunch I had spaghetti bolognese, jacket potatoes and some cucumber and some broccoli, and for pudding I had apple crumble with custard. This afternoon we couldn't play outside because it was raining, so we played inside, and I made a home card with pencils, but the pencils were made out of trees; and we did a house at the front, and then we wrote something in it and we wrote our names and stuff, and it was for Stevie and we wrote who it was from; Nadia and Chester. Then it was home time - the day went really quickly today.

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