Monday, November 20, 2006

This morning I was a bit late going in to school, I had to run down the path to school and daddy forgot the dinner money and the money for the play dough. When I got in Mr Collier was already doing the register - we were really late. Stevie was late too. After registration we sat on the carpet, and then we played with the sand with Chester. Then it was playing out time - we played couldn't play anything out side today - we were too lazy; actually we played Numberjacks with Daniel and Chester.

After that we went back in and sat on the carpet; Mr Collier gave us a picture of the three little pigs to colour in and we had to do a puzzle so that we wouldn't get eaten by the wolf. After that it was milk time' I had a pear with my milk. Then it was lunch time. Today for lunch I had ham, croquette potatoes and sweetcorn and pineapple and for pudding I had ginger pudding with custard. The we played outside.

Today there was a little change after dinner; Mr Collier was very slow today when he was coming back from dinner, so we had to play without him; but Mrs Hudson was already there. Then Mr Collier came back and did the register. Then we went on Mrs Hudson's carpet. While we were there Joshua squeezed my arm really tight and Jake said that was tight burning - it really hurt a lot. Then we played outside - we played witches. When it was home time there was a fire alarm, and we all had to go outside to the big girls and boys playground - it was very exciting. Then I went to after school club.

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