Thursday, March 08, 2007

This morning I was very very very late. They had even finished the register! They had even already done swapping time - I missed everything. I was late because daddy was away, and mommy had to take me to school, and the bus didn't come, so we had to run to school.

When I arrived, the children were on their way to assembly. after that it was playing in time, then I played outside (I got the bot today) and then played inside some more. We practiced our play. With my milk today I had banana.

I can't remember what I had for lunch today, but I do remember I had potato wedges with it - I remember now; it was chicken and sweetcorn and plain sponge with banana for pudding. After lunch I played outside some more (didn't get the boy because I wasn't in the same playground as him).


Anonymous said...

Hi Nadia,

Naughty bus!! I have to catch two buses to work everyday and they are often late. One time, on the way home, it took one hour and 45 minutes. In the car it would have taken 15 minutes. I wasn't very happy!!

I hope your talent went well today.

Lots of love,

Uncle Paul

Nadia said...

We didn't have time to do talent today - it was a disaster today (I even got stuck in 2 tyres!)