Monday, January 08, 2007

For breakfast I had rice crispies with sugar in it (it wouldn't be nice with salt in it!), and a piece of ham and some orange juice. Then I got ready for school. I brushed my teeth and bathed. I went to the car - I was a bit late today, but I got to school before register. Then, all my friends came in and it was register time - well, not everyone was in; Mathew wasn't in time for register. Then it was swapping time - yellows and blues were on Mr Collier's carpet and reds and greens on Mrs Hodgeson's carpet. Mrs Peacock read a book all about trains. After that we went to play - no assembly today! After that it was playing out time; I was too busy stepping on the big girls toes to play numberjacks today. I even trod on Bella's toes and Bethany! Then it was lining up time and we went in to have our milk. With my milk I had an apple, I drank we milk really quickly today.

After milk, it was playing in time; Mr Collier and Mrs Hodgeson asked me to draw some farm animals, so I drew a horse for Mr Collier, a horse for Mrs Hodgeson, a giraffe for Mrs Hodgeson and a cat for Mr Collier. Then it was dinner time. For dinner I had cheese pasty, potato wedges and carrots, and for pudding I had ginger pudding with custard. Then we went out to play. I just trod on the big girls toes again - not even playing with Chester!

This afternoon, we played. I got a sticker because of the hard work on the farm animals that I did this morning. Then it was home time. Bye bye - hope you have a great time.

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