Wednesday, January 31, 2007

This morning we were very early - I was one of the first ones on the carpet. Mrs Peacock did the register because Mr Collier was teaching a different class. After registration it was time for assembly. When we got back it was playing in time, then it was playing out time, then it was milk time - I had banana with my milk today. After milk I played inside some more; I played magic dice again with Stevie.

For lunch I had ham with roast potatoes, carrots and gravy and for pudding I had rice pudding with raisins in it. After lunch I played outside with the big girls and I saw Mr Collier - he told me that he was teaching year 1 and he told me that he was telling them about Neil Armstrong. Then it was going in time and register time and after that it was playing in time - it was Dominic's birthday today so we sang happy birthday to him. Then it was home time.

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